Saturday, December 17, 2016

When Ignorance Goes Running Rampant

When ignorance goes running rampant
And fools run amok,
And the measure of success is strictly
The almighty buck;

When logic and reason become suspect
And fakesters are thought wise,
And people relish living in
A fool's paradise;

When false news is the word of the day
And many people choose
To get their news from stations where ratings
Are more important than news;

When lies masquerade as truth
And facts are seen as perverse,
And the lack of consideration for others
Goes from bad to worse;

When science is known as the enemy
And metaphor as science,
And blind acceptance and misunderstanding
Form a tight alliance;

When bold and brazen ideologues
Make it their primary mission
To push their will upon the people
And crush the opposition;

And when world leaders have the potential
To leave the world in rubble,
And some of the leaders are buffoons,

(12-17-16) By Bob B