Thursday, December 8, 2016

Draining the Swamp?

Donald Trump's potential appointees
For high positions are quite scary.
Some have dubious qualifications
And border on being reactionary.

General Flynn as Security Adviser--
Conspiracy theory peddler supreme.
Could Trump find anyone else
Whose wacky ideas are more extreme?

Peddling the lie that Hillary Clinton
Was involved with sex crimes with kids,
Flynn has spread outrageous notions--
Notions that common sense forbids.

There's also appointee Scott Pruitt.
What sense does it make to hire
Someone to head the EPA*
Who's a climate change denier?

Some of these people would threaten the very
Institutions they're supposed to serve.
From all of the possible qualified people,
The choice of these strikes a nerve.

For Secretary of Education
Another name for this ship of fools:
Betsy DeVos--an outspoken
Enemy of public schools!

And Ben Carson in charge of HUD?
Someone out there has to voice
Objections to this appointee who
Thinks that being poor is a choice.

To work in his administration,
Trump said he would find the best.
The choices above aren't very
Promising, along with the rest:

Billionaires and generals
Parading before our eyes with pomp.
So that's what Trump meant when he
Said he was going to "drain the swamp."

By Bob B (12-8-16)

*Environmental Protection Agency