Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Happy 2017!

Say good-by to the old year;
Say hello to the new.
Let go of the past and try to recast
A new and exciting you.
Say good riddance to all of your worries;
Start out fresh and clean.
Strive to find peace of mind

The past year was a messy one
With floods in the Midwest.
Then the ruler of North Korea,
Who has to be possessed
And thumbs his nose at the world and is
Always involved in a tussle,
Exploded a hydrogen bomb, thus
Flexing his little muscle.
LGBT and voting rights
Were both under attack.
Horrible massacres occurred
In Pakistan and Iraq.
In Syria and Afghanistan
Massacres happened as well.
And Jerusalem and Saudi Arabia
Both had a taste of hell.

Record-breaking blizzards made
The East cold and wet.
Scaring the world, the Zika virus
Continued to be a threat.
The water in Flint, Michigan,
Was an ongoing crisis.
Ancient ruins in the Middle East
Were STILL being bombed by ISIS.
The Clinton e-mail "scandal" grew
To ridiculous proportions.
More and more states were killing
Women's rights to abortions.
President Erdogan in Turkey
Cracked down on the press.
In the South China Sea, China
Was causing a lot of distress.

Britain voted to leave the EU.
Obama went to Japan
And visited Hiroshima--
A long-overdue plan.
Russia hacked U.S. computers
And boasted of certain connections,
Making us wonder how much control
We have over elections.
Summer record-breaking heat
Baked many states,
While the media bombarded us
With presidential debates.
The Summer Olympics took place this year
In lovely Rio, but mercy!
It's always hard to pull that off
Without some controversy.

This year we lost some famous people--
Too many to list.
Bowie, Ali, Leonard Cohen
And others will be missed.
(By the way, if memories here
Tend to focus on bad things,
Just remember that life is full
Of both happy and sad things.)
The economy has made improvements;
Unemployment is down.
Some businesses, they say,
Are really going to town.
Many people want to know
How much Donald Trump earns;
The billionaire still refuses
To show us his tax returns!

Fires raged in California.
In Oklahoma the land
Shook from fracking quakes, which
Are getting out of hand.
Protesters demonstrated
Together at Standing Rock
The oil pipeline coming their way.
They gathered round the clock.
Hurricane Mathew slammed hard
Into our eastern coast.
But Glenn Beck's conversion was
What shocked us the most,
Next to the presidential election,
That is. What a surprise!
And to think the unthinkable happened
Right before our eyes!

But say good-by to the old year;
Say hello to the new.
Let go of the past and try to recast
A new and exciting you.
Say good riddance to all of your worries;
Start out fresh and clean.
Strive to find peace of mind

(12-28-16) By Bob B

Monday, December 26, 2016

There Was a Great Nation... (Part One)

There was a great nation that wasn't that old.
Born when it broke from tyranny's hold,
The land once proclaimed freedom for all.
Who'd ever guess what would befall?
Here's what happened: a billionaire
With rude behavior and flaxen hair
Bluffed his way through an election
And won because of the law's imperfection.
Many voters could not understand
Why others had buried their heads in the sand.
That this outspoken man was the victor
Shocked many an election predictor.
Some said the win was not on the level
And gave the winner no reason to revel.
Whatever the case, this east coast resident
Became the nation's forty-fifth president.

(Many voters held misinformed views
From eating a steady diet of Fox News,
Gorging on pages of Breitbart sludge,
And wallowing in pools of something called Drudge.
They didn't see the signs that were looming
From a candidate NOT at all unassuming.
When demagoguery's alive and well
And one has a bill of goods to sell,
Some people miss the warning alarm.
They fail to imagine how much harm
A person can do to set back the nation,
And they give that person a standing ovation.
False news reports have power to affect
Election results when facts go unchecked,
And when people blindly accept what they read,
Manipulated "facts" do mislead.)

Before the newly elected official--
Whose reputation had been prejudicial--
Received an official swearing in,
He caused many heads to spin.
Posting on Twitter tweet after tweet--
Some of which were not so discreet--
He, on purpose or maybe not--
Depending on your school of thought--
Made many people and nations wary
With tweets that were more than a little bit scary.
To expand the nuclear capability
And disregard the world's volatility
Would be a plan that smacked of insanity
And also would be a threat to humanity.
The new leader just couldn't refrain
From posting such tweets that sounded insane.

Before taking office the leader selected
A team of advisers who truly projected
A frightening image to people who knew
What kind of damage officials could do.
Some appointees had donated huge
Sums to help elect their stooge.
Few had experience in their position,
But that didn't matter since their mission
Was not so much service, but instead
To kill the agency that they led.
One adviser, who stirred up much fear
And had his mouth in the new leader's ear,
Peddled conspiracy theories that made
Him sound like a madman on a crusade.
The country had never seen such a bunch
Of advisers so clearly out to lunch.

The new leader had a connection
With someone for whom he had great affection:
Vladimir Putin, a tyrant who led
A country called Russia, which once was red.
The reasons the two got so tight
Slowly but surely came to light:
The lifting of sanctions, business ties,
How to control people with lies…
The new leader's kids were also expected
To help their dad, who newly elected,
Had to make important decisions
Despite causing rifts and divisions.
(It's hard for a businessman
With a 90-second attention span
And whose thoughts keep disappearing
To make much sense of what he's hearing.)

The newly-elected president,
Who didn't care about time well spent,
Continued rallies from state to state.
The egomaniac couldn't wait
To stand before a cheering crowd
And share his petty thoughts out loud.
"I have a mandate," he muttered,
And falsehoods colored the words that he uttered.
"I'll make this country great again!"
Instead he made many hate again.
He promised to create millions of jobs;
But that was a ploy by him and his nobs.
The crafty plans of this bait and switcher
Would make the poor poorer and the rich richer.
The people would have a lot more to say
After Inauguration Day.

(To be continued…)

(12-26-16) By Bob B

Thursday, December 22, 2016

If Your Birth Sign Is Capricorn...

Goal-oriented is what you are.
You are ambitious and highly pragmatic.
Since you rely on structure and form,
It drives you crazy if life gets erratic.

Capricorns, when they are young,
Often appear mature and engaging.
When they reach middle age,
They seem to defy the process of aging.

Since you like to be in charge,
You like both control and authority.
Your willingness to accept
Responsibility is a priority.

As long as you believe that you'll
Succeed, you will persevere.
But know that you can also be
Lazy when your goals aren't clear.

Though out-going and competitive,
One thing that makes you apprehensive
Is a lack of confidence,
Which can also make you defensive.

Wanting to be admired and respected,
You hate to appear ineffective
And weak, and since you fear rejection,
Winning is your major objective.

In fact, so determined are you
To win, that the thought is vexatious
For you to lose, so when you do,
It's difficult for you to be gracious.

You always want to know where you stand,
So you like to plan each move.
Anticipating gains and losses
Helps you to stay in the groove.

Your love of structure applies to traditions;
You have the need to protect and preserve.
Despite your good sense of humor,
Being teased strikes a nerve.

Dedication to duty guides you.
Even though you have the ability
To reason well, worrying
Can put a strain on your tranquility.

When first dealing with others, you
Can be reserved, but in the end
After you give your trust, you prove
To be a loyal and steadfast friend.

Just be careful that you do not
Turn into a workaholic.
Stifled self-reliance can make you
Pessimistic and melancholic.

Because of your hard-working nature,
Mundane tasks are no big deal.
But the loss of self-esteem
Can be your Achilles' heel.

You will accomplish marvelous things
If you can balance work and play.
Let your cautious but warm heart guide you.
Plan for tomorrow, but seize the day.

(12-22-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Bad News for Santa: Trouble at the North Pole

Santa breathed in the cool night air,
Thinking back on the days of old,
Before the polar ice cap started
Melting. When weather was really cold!

"I barely need my heavy jacket,"
Santa said to himself in dismay.
"With all this ice so mushy and slushy,
How will the reindeer pull my sleigh?"

A polar bear came trudging by,
Emaciated and sour in mood.
Shrinking along with the habitat
Was the bear's supply of food.

"Santa," asked the polar bear,
"Do you know what's happening here?
Something very sinister is
Adversely affecting the cryosphere.

"The temperature's rising on land and sea.
I have to say, this isn't nice.
I don't mean to be punny here,
But we are walking on very thin ice."

"Seabirds, too, are leaving," said Santa.
"And so are ice-dependent seals.
Pressure on the ecosystem,
Is making it hard for them to find meals."

Feeling pessimistic, the bear
Wandered off, shaking his head.
Santa muttered, "Damn fossil fuels!"
And sloshed his way into his shed.

The once-jolly man started to work
On a project in which he seemed engrossed.
Soon he emerged, carrying
A "For Sale" sign, along with a post,

Which he placed on his property.
He sighed, "Talk about regrets.
Why the heck didn't I give
More kids chemistry sets?"

(12-20-16) By Bob B

Monday, December 19, 2016


Ghosts often haunt us--
Ghosts of the past--
Bearing down upon us
Like a winter blast,

Or steadily prodding us
As a constant threat
To see if our response is
Insouciance or regret.

Lurking around a corner,
They're there lying in wait
To test our ability
To circumnavigate.

Appearing out of nowhere
When we least expect them,
They dare us to try
To avoid or reject them.

Though we thought that they
Were buried long ago,
Their recurring visits
Cause more grief and woe.

Sometimes causing panic,
Sometimes causing dread,
They reappear as though
They've come back from the dead.

They take away our breath
Or chill us to the bone
Whether we're in public
Or at home alone.

Sometimes in a nightmare
Or in a crazy dream
We recognize their presence
With a stifled scream.

Running makes no difference.
They're always close behind us,
Or even up ahead;
Somehow they will find us.

Once we stop running
And stand in one place
And grab each phantom
And stare it in the face,

Then and only then
The ghosts disappear,
And we regain our power
And conquer our deep fear.

(12-19-16) By Bob B

Must It Be So Difficult?

Ari was not different to me.
Kids said, "He is Jewish." So?
I thought to myself. What does that mean?
That was long, long ago.

To me he was a classmate, a kid,
A friend, a neighbor, someone who
Played just like the other kids.
What did it matter if he was a Jew?

That was back when people had "cooties."
Do people have cooties anymore?
If people want to dislike others,
They'll come up with reasons galore:

Different religion, different race,
Sexual orientation, gender,
The way we talk, or whether we
Are overweight or overly slender.

People will find someone to fear,
Someone to shun, someone to tease,
Someone to scorn, someone to laugh at
And made to feel ill at ease.

We humans! What a bunch
Of silly, crazy, mixed-up fools--
Intolerant, insecure,
Defensive, uptight, as stubborn as mules!

From generation to generation
The cycle continues as parents tell
Their kids whom to hate and like.
Ah, yes, they teach their children well.

Praise to the parents with open minds
Who teach their kids to love, not hate.
That is the key to break the cycle
Of hatred that we perpetuate.

Loving parents guide their children
In loving ways. These parents show them
The key to understanding others:
To open up and get to know them.

(12-18-16) By Bob B

Saturday, December 17, 2016

When Ignorance Goes Running Rampant

When ignorance goes running rampant
And fools run amok,
And the measure of success is strictly
The almighty buck;

When logic and reason become suspect
And fakesters are thought wise,
And people relish living in
A fool's paradise;

When false news is the word of the day
And many people choose
To get their news from stations where ratings
Are more important than news;

When lies masquerade as truth
And facts are seen as perverse,
And the lack of consideration for others
Goes from bad to worse;

When science is known as the enemy
And metaphor as science,
And blind acceptance and misunderstanding
Form a tight alliance;

When bold and brazen ideologues
Make it their primary mission
To push their will upon the people
And crush the opposition;

And when world leaders have the potential
To leave the world in rubble,
And some of the leaders are buffoons,

(12-17-16) By Bob B

Friday, December 16, 2016


If you practice unscrupulousness,
You will have it made--
As long as you can persevere
In keeping up the charade.

It's very helpful for cutting deals
To give yourself protection;
You'll also find that it comes in handy
For winning an election.

In order to throw the public off guard,
Employ tactics accusing
Others of opting for similar methods
That you yourself are using.

Some call it unscrupulousness;
Some say unscrupulosity.
Whatever the case, the practice requires
A sinister virtuosity.

Many politicians have
Embraced the concept with fervor
And have bamboozled many a slow,
Imperceptive observer.

Who needs to be honorable
When striving to succeed?
The end justifies the means
To those driven by greed

Or an unquenchable thirst for power.
All they have to do
Is bow to the god of unscrupulousness
And watch their wishes come true.

(12-16-16) By Bob B

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Rallies Continue

The Trump thank-me rallies continue
As Trump hops from state to state,
Expecting applause and adulation
From loyal fans who congregate.

Trying to sound presidential
Is a challenge for one ill-equipped
To speak without a teleprompter
And sound articulate when off script.

To Trump press conferences
Are useless, senseless rigmarole.
He is more comfortable
Tweeting and being an Internet troll.

But how he loves his thank-me rallies!
He can stand on the stage and address
All of his vague promises
Without questions from the press.

Cheering crowds of people show up,
Praising Trump's theatricality.
Funny, many supporters share
The man's alternate reality.

(12-14-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Eighty Thousand

Donald Trump boasts about
A landslide victory in the recent election.
Trump and reality seem to be
Experiencing a disconnection.

Roughly 80,000 votes
Out of millions and millions cast
Determined the winner in the race,
And yet Trump keeps holding fast

To strange and absurd delusions of grandeur
And to a fancy on which he dotes
Regarding his "triumph" over Clinton
And the total number of winning votes.

Even though she received MORE
Than two point five million votes than he,
Eighty thousand in THREE swing states
Won him the presidency.

Eighty thousand. I repeat:
Eighty thousand. That's the size
Of a small Californian town.
That's all it took to win the prize.

As usual, Trump loves to ride
The glory train of Bombast and Bluster,
Refusing to acknowledge that
His victory is really lackluster.

(12-13-16) By Bob B

Monday, December 12, 2016

Selective Hearing

Back in September, certain members
Of Congress learned from the CIA
In secret briefings that Russia had
Very maliciously found a way

Through cyber intrusions, for example,
To take advantage of circumstances
To sway our presidential election
By giving a boost to Donald Trump's chances

Of winning, which would have to be
An unprecedented stunt
By a foreign government
To meddle here. Such an affront!

Mitch McConnell and others chose
Not to believe what they had heard
From the CIA, and consequently
Decided not to spread the word,

Thereby allowing certain factors
To affect our election. Imagine instead
If the Russians had helped Hillary Clinton.
Republicans would have been seeing red!

Trump downplays the news, of course.
Through all of this, one thing is clear:
People hear--unfortunately--
ONLY what they WANT to hear.

(12-12-16) By Bob B

Saturday, December 10, 2016


Trump has accused Hillary Clinton
Of having practiced pay-to-play;
Once again, he's taking advantage
Of his supporters' naïveté.

So far, he has appointed SIX
Campaign donors to top positions--
A telling move that ought to cause
Many people to have suspicions.

He took on Wall Street during his campaign,
Which would be a major feat.
Now he is offering Cabinet
Jobs to the economic elite!

Millions of dollars will go to Carrier
To save jobs. But did you hear?
The company wants to automate,
So many jobs will disappear.

The "blue-collar billionaire"
Role of Trump is a scam.
He says he's fighting for workers, but
He doesn't give a tinker's damn.

(12-10-16) By Bob B

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Battle Continues

The first presidential contest
In fifty years--to be exact--
Without full protection of
The badly needed Voting Rights Act

Occurred this year--in 2016.
Fourteen states--we must note--
Had implemented voting restrictions
Making it harder for some to vote.

Trump complained of a rigged election,
Which the media devoured in haste;
But little time was spent showing
The REAL threat that voters faced.

Voting restrictions are plaguing the nation--
Just ONE example of far-right aggression.
The fight for rights continues as we
Fight against voter suppression.

(12-9-16) By Bob B

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Draining the Swamp?

Donald Trump's potential appointees
For high positions are quite scary.
Some have dubious qualifications
And border on being reactionary.

General Flynn as Security Adviser--
Conspiracy theory peddler supreme.
Could Trump find anyone else
Whose wacky ideas are more extreme?

Peddling the lie that Hillary Clinton
Was involved with sex crimes with kids,
Flynn has spread outrageous notions--
Notions that common sense forbids.

There's also appointee Scott Pruitt.
What sense does it make to hire
Someone to head the EPA*
Who's a climate change denier?

Some of these people would threaten the very
Institutions they're supposed to serve.
From all of the possible qualified people,
The choice of these strikes a nerve.

For Secretary of Education
Another name for this ship of fools:
Betsy DeVos--an outspoken
Enemy of public schools!

And Ben Carson in charge of HUD?
Someone out there has to voice
Objections to this appointee who
Thinks that being poor is a choice.

To work in his administration,
Trump said he would find the best.
The choices above aren't very
Promising, along with the rest:

Billionaires and generals
Parading before our eyes with pomp.
So that's what Trump meant when he
Said he was going to "drain the swamp."

By Bob B (12-8-16)

*Environmental Protection Agency

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

If Only...

Friedrich Trump… Heard of him?
Born in 1869
In a small town in Germany,
Not too far from the beautiful Rhine…

Grandfather of you know who…
Left home seeking fortune and glory…
Ran taverns and brothels in
Canada's Yukon Territory…

Returned to Europe in 1901
And found himself a German wife…
Skipped military service--
Who needs such a crimp in his life?--

By taking his wife to New York City…
When they returned to German soil,
News of the draft dodger reached
German officials and made their blood boil.

His actions also didn't sit well
With Prince Karl of Bavaria, who
Wanted Friedrich to be deported.
Friedrich's appeals to stay fell through.

On July 1, 1905,
The Trumps, having been told to scram,
Boarded a New York City-bound steamship.
If only they'd stayed in Germany! Damn!

(12-6-16) By Bob B

Monday, December 5, 2016

Welcome to Trumplandia

Welcome to Trumplandia--
Where truth and falsehood collide,
And voters blindly commit
Political suicide;

Where people vote for a man
Because he "speaks his mind"
And don't care how many
People he's maligned;

Where general politeness
And a thin veneer of civility
Are worn away as bigotry
Finds acceptability;

Where extremist views
Completely transmogrify
The democratic process,
And justice and clarity die;

Where clever speeches ignite
Passions that become scary,
And governing becomes
A concern that's secondary;

Where in the guise of freedom
Of religion, people create
Laws that give them the right
To cruelly discriminate;

Where there's baseless distrust
Of scholarly opinions
And the leader prefers his UN-
Educated minions;

Where equal and civil rights
For which people fought
For many, many years
Sadly come to naught;

Where the middle class
Through clever bait and switch
Are talked into providing
Tax breaks for the rich;

Where facts become suspect.
The leader makes it clear:
Invented "facts" are the only
Facts he wants to hear;

Where freedom of speech is stifled,
And millions do not squawk
When the ones in power
Turn back the clock;

Where people need a scapegoat
And constantly look for someone
To blame and do not think
That they could also become one;

Where values, tolerance, morals,
Compassion, and decency fade
While anger and xenophobia
Are on a vicious crusade.

Welcome to Trumplandia.
America, farewell.
Bemoan the ever deepening
Crack in the Liberty Bell.

(12-5-16) By Bob B