Most of the Republican candidates for
Almost all of them, in fact--
Ignore the will of the majority of
Who want to leave Social Security
These earned benefits are crucial
For millions of retired Americans
who've demanded
Not only to keep Social Security,
But also to see the program expanded.
Privatization, cuts in benefits,
Or the imposition of other reductions
Are foolhardy ways to derail the
With these or other deleterious
The GOP candidates: do they not know,
Or is it that they really don't care
Whether they represent the majority
By supporting instead the billionaire?
So, instead of speaking for us,
The Republican candidates represent
The wealthy donors whose contributions
Are among the dollars they've spent?
The politically active one percent
Who often think that they're the best
of us,
Again want to demonstrate
That THEY know what's right for the
rest of us.
(8-19-15) By Bob B