Monday, August 31, 2015

I Dreamed That I Lived in Trumplandia

I dreamed that I lived in Trumplandia--
A land ruled by fear,
Where real power rests
In the hands of the Profiteer--

Where Xenophobia crosses
Its unwelcoming arms--
Where Intolerance spreads
Its despicable charms,

Making scapegoats a target
To bear the brunt of the blame
For much of the country's problems--
Where immigrant-bashing's fair game--

Where people ignore the hungry,
Struggling ones in need
And praise along with the multitudes
The God of Corporate Greed--

Where Hateful Rhetoric spreads
Its cruel, contagious disease,
Crippling Healthy Dialogue
With insidious expertise--

Where sycophantic followers
Grovel before their King
With sadomasochistic
Fervor, awaiting his sting--

Where throughout the land
Inclusivism is feared,
While Exclusivism
Is honored and revered--

Where flowers of Compassion
Are strangled by weeds of Hate
And Hope for greater equality
Suffers a sad, cruel fate.

The more I saw of Trumplandia,
The more I wanted to scream:
Wake me from this nightmare!
Wake me from this bad dream!

(8-31-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

10 Rules for Gaining the Favor of the American People and for Possibly Winning the 2016 Republican Presidential Candidacy

Rule number 1--this one's important:
Be extremely outspoken and crass.
In fact, you'll gain more popularity,
The more you act like a pain in the ass.

The 2nd rule is to be insulting--
Insult everybody you can.
Call other people no good or stupid
And you will impress many a fan.

Rule number 3: be a bully.
Show 'em the stuff that you're made of, and when
That falls short, your crass materialism
Should impress 'em again and again.

Make sure your tone is rude and brusque:
This makes rule number 4.
Remove reporters who ask tough questions
So they won't bother you anymore.

The 5th rule: blast immigrants;
Make them a scapegoat and propose
A plan to stop all undocumented
Immigrants from being the source of our woes.

Rule number 6: criticize women;
Make them targets to belittle and disparage.
Praise traditional matrimony
While you jump from marriage to marriage.

Be narcissistic is rule number 7;
Boast about your wealth and your power.
Self-aggrandizement will get you
Attention (especially if you've got a tower).

Rule number 8: criticize the government
By saying our country is weak; then spew
More invective and suggest that people
Ought to be more vitriolic--like you.

Next, divorce politics from thought:
This rule is rule number 9.
Make generalizations with no explanations
And never admit that you've crossed the line.

Rhetorical excess is rule number 10;
Blow everything out of proportion.
Use grandiose and bombastic ramblings
And people will overlook each distortion.

There you have it: ten clear-cut ways
To show the people that you've got verve.
And those who cast their votes your way
Will end up getting what they deserve.

(8-26-15) By Bob B

Monday, August 24, 2015

To Hillary: Weather the Storm!

Hold on tight! Weather the storm!
Don't let troubles disempower you.
Keep your focus. Stay the course.
Beware of sharks that try to devour you.

Let not the torrents of tempestuous talk
Affect your ability to maintain control.
Don't be driven off course by winds
Of hatred. Keep your eyes on the goal.

Be not distracted by waves of abuse
That brutally beat against your bow
And threaten to end your inspired journey
With powerful force upon your prow.

Ride the waves--the ups, the downs,
The forwards, the backs, the lefts, the rights.
Let your inner strength and stamina
Navigate you through starless nights.

Do not crash into fellow ships
Also caught in the stormy sea.
Watch out for damaging attacks and assaults
Surrounding you in the floating debris.

Beware of pirates; they're out there waiting
To stalk and steal, damage and destroy.
Protect yourself to further protect
The needs of the struggling hoi polloi.

Storms will come and storms will go;
Maintain vigilant command of your ship.
The ocean is a capricious host;
There's NO guarantee of a storm-free trip.

Therefore, be sure to hold on tight!
With your experience, brains, and thick skin,
Though your ship is tossed at sea,
YOU have the fortitude and will to win.

(Therefore, be sure to hold on tight!
Though nights are dark and days are gray,
And though your ship is tossed at sea,
Safe harbor is not far away.)

(8-24-15) By Bob B

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Twenty-nine percent of Louisiana Republicans
Polled recently claim
That the current president--Barack Obama--
Deserves to take the blame

For a bungled response to Hurricane Katrina.
Here they go again:
Wrongfully accusing President Obama.
He wasn't in office then!

When people's logic and understanding
Have so many holes,
It's scary to see what can happen
When they go to the polls.

(8-22-15) By Bob B

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Duggar Does It Again!

Irony of ironies: consummate hypocrite
Josh Duggar of TV fame--
The so-called family values activist--
Added more dirt to his name.

We've known he molested his sisters as a teen.
Afterwards what stirred up doubt
Was its suspicious cover-up, BUT
That's what hypocrisy's all about.

Married with children, Duggar's interest
And curiosity in sex ran rife
As he pored over Internet porn
And also CHEATED on his wife!

Now he's asking for forgiveness--again.
Duggar, with your baggage and carriage,
Don't you DARE say that same-sex
Couples are destroying marriage!

(8-20-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Social Insecurity

Most of the Republican candidates for president--
Almost all of them, in fact--
Ignore the will of the majority of people
Who want to leave Social Security intact.

These earned benefits are crucial
For millions of retired Americans who've demanded
Not only to keep Social Security,
But also to see the program expanded.

Privatization, cuts in benefits,
Or the imposition of other reductions
Are foolhardy ways to derail the program
With these or other deleterious obstructions.

The GOP candidates: do they not know,
Or is it that they really don't care
Whether they represent the majority
By supporting instead the billionaire?

So, instead of speaking for us,
The Republican candidates represent
The wealthy donors whose contributions
Are among the dollars they've spent?

The politically active one percent
Who often think that they're the best of us,
Again want to demonstrate
That THEY know what's right for the rest of us.

(8-19-15) By Bob B

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The More NOT the Merrier

Seven point three billion people
On Earth. Yes, that's a lot.
By 2050 that number should swell
By a third. Scary thought!

India's population--they say--
Should surpass China's, AND
Poverty shall increase and food
And water will be in demand.

All of these numbers--all of these babies:
Maybe the people who've spawned 'em,
Ought to learn to appreciate
The value of the CONDOM.

(8-18-15) By Bob B

Monday, August 3, 2015

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Watch out! They say they represent
Your likes, your wants, your needs.
Their spurious reasoning sounds convincing;
So what if it misleads.

They claim they're looking out for you--
Protecting your freedom to choose.
Yet they're investing elsewhere, thus,
Protecting your freedom to lose.

Their highfalutin promises
Of justice, pride, and respect
Are cheap façades that cover up
Exploitative neglect.

They boast their record, sing their own praises--
Right before your eyes.
They hope you don't discover that
It's all a pack of lies.

They'll trick you into seeing others
With fearful suspicion and loathing.
Watch out! Beware! Be on your guard
For sly wolves in sheep's clothing.

(8-3-15) By Bob B

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Middle Eastern Square Dance: Swing Your Partner

Bow to your partner, swing her around.
Lift her gently off the ground.
Allemande left and do-si-do.
Trade your partner, and away we go!

The Middle East quagmire--I have to say--
Grows more complicated every day.
Maybe we ought to reassess
What has become a giant mess!
After having destabilized Iraq,
We pulled out despite some squawk.
When in Syria all hell broke loose,
The rebels were out to cook Assad's goose.
The rebels that we supported with glee
Were not who they purported to be.
So ISIS, or ISIL, grew in size
And terror in the region was on the rise.


Iranian Shiites are fighting against ISIS,
Which makes us nervous and adds to the crisis.
For although Iranian help is needed,
In Yemen the Iranians also proceeded
To assist rebels there, much to the displeasure
Of the U.S., the Saudis, and Israelis who don't treasure
The rising power and influence of Iran
And are very suspicious of the country's game plan.
So, in the meantime ISIS is destroying
Ancient relics and seems to be enjoying
Ridding the "Caliphate" of symbols of "evil,"
With beheadings and slaughter causing more upheaval.


The U.S. is bombing ISIS, and we’ve seen
That it’s not very pretty for those caught in between.
Who has been supportive or who has been against
Has not been so clear since all this strife commenced.
Both the Saudis and Jordanians themselves
Have been bombing targets. It seems whoever delves
Into the Middle Eastern politics will find
It requires a certain frame of mind
To make any sense of who is fighting whom
And provide explanations for all the doom and gloom.
How can we make this problem disappear?
There’s not an easy solution, I fear.


Turkey, too, has jumped into the fray,
Complicating matters with the role that it will play.
The Turks hate ISIS, but they also hate the Kurds
And call them terrorists with unkind words.
Therefore, we are once again caught
In a dilemma--another Gordian knot.
We support the Kurds, who fight the ISIS thugs.
I hope that we don't expect any hugs
From the Kurds who are being bombed by the Turks.
Who knows what craziness is still in the works?
Talk about quagmires: whoever might begin one,
It seems as though we always end up in one.

So swing your partner; listen to the fiddle.
Circle left; now come down the middle.
Keep all the dancers in the line of sight.
Now trade your partner and circle to the right.

(8-1-15) By Bob B