Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Madness Has No Holiday Spirit

Madness Has No Holiday Spirit
By Bob B (12-17-14)

Our holidays here are no guarantee
That sadness and suffering will not pay a visit
To some part of this mixed-up world.
It's incomprehensible. Tell me, what is it

That drives killers to massacre children
At a school in Pakistan? Can't we expect
Our schools to provide a haven of safety
That murder and violence cannot infect?

Two years ago at Sandy Hook
A slaughter occurred for a different reason.
Madness cruelly and completely ignores
The spirit of any holiday season.

The mind obsessed with revenge is dangerous--
So is the mind poisoned with rules,
Haughty morals and warped "truths"
That cater a dastardly feast for fools.

Does irrationality rule the world?
Explanations seem a futility.
Kindness, goodness, and fairness must balance
With crazed minds and hateful hostility.

Safety itself is an illusion--
A wished-for notion; a deceptive disguise;
A mental construct that placates the hopeful,
Tricks the unwary, deludes the unwise.

When religion stifles and doesn't expand
And open the seeker's heart and mind,
The world becomes a hollow place--
Scary and threatening, cold and unkind.

By Bob B (12-17-14)