Sunday, December 28, 2014


Galileo Galilei--
Physicist, mathematician,
Astronomer, philosopher--
You angered the Roman Inquisition

And later the Pope and Jesuits as well.
Your scientific observation
That the earth moves around the sun
Was considered a heretical revelation!

Spreading ideas "contrary to scripture"--
A risky endeavor and path to take--
Guaranteed life imprisonment
Or a gruesome burning at the stake.

Under pressure you recanted:
"The earth doesn't move around the sun."
They say that under your breath you muttered,
"And yet it moves." You lost, yet won.

Though you lived under house arrest
For years until the day you died,
Your scientific contributions
To benefit mankind cannot be denied.

It's sad when dogma and ignorance attempt
To force dissenters into compliance.
It's sadder yet that in this century
Too many people still ignore science.

Our thoughts aren't shaped from cookie cutters;
Beliefs don't all fit the same mold.
Praise to the thinkers who soar to great heights
And break authority's stranglehold.

Praise to those who dare to defy
Petrified positions or views--
Who challenge our mind-set and open our eyes
To truth and awareness, despite jeers and boos.

(12-28-14) By Bob B

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Santa Caught Speeding?

Christmas Day! It's hot off the press.
I cannot believe what I am reading.
There in bold headlines and all in caps:

Is it possible for Santa's sleigh
To exceed the maximum miles per hour?
Might that have a little to do
With all of his horse-…or reindeer-power?

The policeman asked for his driver's license.
A driver's license for Santa? What gives?
Don't cops know that such trivialities
Are unnecessary where Santa lives?

What about vehicle registration?
Also missing on Santa's person.
"Oh, oh," I thought. "He's going to have problems."
But keep on reading: things only worsen.

When asked if the red in his cheeks resulted
From tipping the bottle, Santa said, "Stop.
You must be kidding, for you ought to know
That Santa has NEVER touched a drop."

The policeman asked him to walk a straight line.
Shaking with laughter, the plump man replied,
"I can't EVEN see my feet.
I couldn't walk a straight line if I tried!"

The cop threatened to search the sleigh,
Which, Santa said, would be all right.
"But once you start," he added with a  grin,
"You'll find it's going to take you all night."

A witness heard Santa quietly mutter,
"It wasn't such a good idea
To take that alternate route. Good grief!
Where have I landed? In North Korea?

You know, you're putting me way behind schedule.
If I don't hurry, I'll be in big trouble."
Santa pleaded with the man in uniform,
"I need to get going on the double."

So Santa got off with only a warning.
We're lucky he wasn't hauled off to jail,
Which would have forced Mrs. Claus
To have to come up with money for bail.


Monday, December 22, 2014

"Gee Whiz! Santa Sucks!"

"Mommy says that Santa won't be visiting this year.
She says it is because I have been bad.
She always seems so angry and upset 'bout everything.
She always says, 'I'm going to tell your dad.'

"Just because I broke my sister's iPad yesterday:
I only wished to see if it could float.
And then I blew it once again when we all horsed around
And I spilled grape juice on her favorite coat.

"Last week I broke Mommy's Royal Copenhagen plates.
She said to me, 'That really takes the cake!'
But I don't understand because she didn't even use them.
It's stupid to collect things that can break!

"A month ago my daddy bought a brand new fancy car--
The old one, he said, was 'obsolete.'
Boy he really blew his stack one day when he found
My chocolate candy melting on the seat.

"My brother had a new flat-screen TV in his room.
He proudly called it 'state of the art.'
I kind of knocked it over, though, while playing with my friend.
Yeah, I know:  I wasn't being smart.

"If Santa has been watching me my chances will be slim
Of getting that expensive baseball glove.
But if you ask me, I think that it really sucks that Santa
Does NOT believe in unconditional love!

"I'm the victim here, you see. That is what I am.
I try to my best year after year.
If Santa wants to play that way I hope he gets my message:
Tell him he can stick it in his ear!
Tell him he can stick it in his ear."

(12-22-14) By Bob B

Friday, December 19, 2014

¡Viva Cuba!

Ah, Cuba--cousin of the Americas--
Estrangement really does you no good.
Unless our worlds can come together,
You'll keep being misunderstood.

Vibrant land of son and mambo,
Habanera, rumba and danzón,
Let your music and your spirit
Conquer fears that are overblown.

Moros y cristianos… ¡Caramba!
Yuca, ajo, cebolla: Divine!
Your culinary flavors thrill me:
Just one taste, and I'm on cloud nine!

With Vietnam and China we gladly
Swept past differences under the rug
And established diplomatic relations
With little resistance and barely a shrug.

To you we turned our backs and let
Our differences fester and further divide us.
When we cave in to spite and resentment,
We can't see how hard feelings misguide us.

As unnecessary barriers fall,
Let's open up travel and trade
And end the ineffective embargo--
A punitive measure and worthless charade

That hurts only the people and not
The Communist government that we mistrust.
The PEOPLE are Cuba--NOT the Castros;
That is a point to remember--a must!

And so, Cuba--cousin of the Americas--
Let's be optimistic and hope
That major changes and better relations
Lie completely within our scope.

By Bob B (12-19-14)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Madness Has No Holiday Spirit

Madness Has No Holiday Spirit
By Bob B (12-17-14)

Our holidays here are no guarantee
That sadness and suffering will not pay a visit
To some part of this mixed-up world.
It's incomprehensible. Tell me, what is it

That drives killers to massacre children
At a school in Pakistan? Can't we expect
Our schools to provide a haven of safety
That murder and violence cannot infect?

Two years ago at Sandy Hook
A slaughter occurred for a different reason.
Madness cruelly and completely ignores
The spirit of any holiday season.

The mind obsessed with revenge is dangerous--
So is the mind poisoned with rules,
Haughty morals and warped "truths"
That cater a dastardly feast for fools.

Does irrationality rule the world?
Explanations seem a futility.
Kindness, goodness, and fairness must balance
With crazed minds and hateful hostility.

Safety itself is an illusion--
A wished-for notion; a deceptive disguise;
A mental construct that placates the hopeful,
Tricks the unwary, deludes the unwise.

When religion stifles and doesn't expand
And open the seeker's heart and mind,
The world becomes a hollow place--
Scary and threatening, cold and unkind.

By Bob B (12-17-14)

Friday, December 12, 2014

What Else Is New?

Strum your guitar and sing along!...

When the Republicans control our Congress,
What will that portend?
Good news for the rich; bad for the poor.
What else is new, my friend?

We hope that our leaders support the people.
Of course, that will depend
On how much YOU "support" your leaders.
What else is new, my friend?

It's sad how people use their religion
To allow them to defend
Their right to take away rights from others.
What else is new, my friend?

To avoid a government shutdown some members
Of Congress will not bend
From socking it to the hard-working people.
What else is new, my friend?

People point out that our economy
Is certainly on the mend.
Of course, the President receives no credit.
What else is new, my friend?

The damage that Congress can do to the people
Is hard to comprehend.
But they've screwed us before and they'll do it again.
What else is new, my friend?

To help maintain our infrastructure,
That means we have to spend.
To some people that's anathema.
What else is new, my friend?

Apathy among the American voters
Is a continuing trend.
No wonder we’re stuck with numbskulls in Congress!
What else is new, my friend?

A man over there holds a sign that says
The world is going to end.
That's been said for 2,000 years.
What else is new, my friend?

What else is new?
What else is new?
What else is new, my friend?

By Bob B (12-12-14)

Thursday, December 11, 2014


It's amazing how many people respond
To something right before their eyes,
And instead of believing the ugly truth,
They choose to believe in a litany of lies.

When torture's no longer an act of depravity
But a tactic that people support and condone,
Our moral standing in the world suffers.
That's something we ought to bemoan.

The mistreatment of people and the cruel infliction
Of pain on prisoners aren't petty slights.
Can we hold others to higher standards
If WE don't respect human rights?

Some say the times call for desperate measures.
That's a cop out--a rationalization!
Or "Terrorists themselves are brutal and cruel":
Another excuse; an absurd incantation.

In dealing with terrorists who would do us harm,
Humane standards must preside;
Otherwise, our character becomes
Less like Jekyll and more like Hyde.

Torture is not a thing to gloss over.
It's NOT a tactic the media should make light of.
A strict adherence to honor and values
Is a goal that we should never lose sight of.

Do you ever wonder who sits around
And designs the techniques of torture that we see?
I don't know, but whoever it is
Has to be a sick S-O-B.

By Bob B (12-11-14)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Call It What It Is

Step right up, folks!
Take a look around.
See all the strategies
Your CIA has found
To help "protect" you;
To make you feel safe.
They don't worry
If their tactics make you chafe.

The Senate Intelligence
Committee Report
Mentions waterboarding,
And, NO, it's not a sport.
Sleep deprivation--
Does that really work?
It wouldn't take long
Before you went berserk.

Rectal re-hydration
Doesn't sound like fun.
It sounds like an enema
With a water gun.
Ice baths--brrr!--
In zero degrees.
Try to imagine
That brain freeze!

Isolation rooms!
Trouble would impend
After being locked there
For days on end.
Small box confinement--
That would cause some grief.
You couldn't even stretch out
To get some relief.

How about being
Slammed against the wall
Or threatened with death
Until you start to bawl?
Each "enhanced
Interrogation technique"
Causes pain and suffering
And sounds pretty bleak.

Let's just call them
What they really are:
They're all forms of torture
And they go too far.
There appears to be no evidence
From connecting all the dots
That the tactics stopped
Imminent plots.

I thought that we
Were better than that.
All attempts to justify
Such tactics fall flat.
We have the right to protest--
The right to make a fuss.
I guess more laws are needed
To protect us from us.

By Bob B (12-9-14)

Thursday, December 4, 2014


If someone dies from an ILLEGAL chokehold
At the hands of the police,
Shouldn't the policeman responsible stand
Before a justice of the peace?

If a man is brought down by an illegal chokehold--
The use of excessive force--
Is that an act that we as Americans
Can rightfully endorse?

If the police suspected that you were selling
Untaxed cigarettes, too,
Do you think they'd also rough you up
And apply a chokehold on you?

Regarding the death of Eric Garner,
Was brutal force the cause,
Or was his death, as Rand Paul suggests,
Due to taxation laws?

If someone causes another's death
Does he deserve immunity?
Or better yet should he have
A license to kill with impunity?

Isn't it ironic that a man is killed
When stopped by the police for selling
Untaxed or unlicensed cigarettes--
Hardly that compelling!--

And yet there are hundreds of thousands of people
Who every year resist
Paying the appropriate taxes they owe,
And they get a slap on the wrist?

No country's perfect, but shouldn't we still
Seek a means whereby
We can perfect our current system?
Shouldn't we even try?

By Bob B (12-4-14)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Spin Masters

It's a shame how the right-wing news
Takes a current event
And twists and spins the story
In efforts to misrepresent

The true motives behind
People's protestations.
Instead, the commentators
Spew rank accusations.

A case in point is Ferguson.
The Fox News spin denies
Existing systemic injustice.
My! What a surprise!

“Grievance industry leaders,”
“Racial racketeers,”
And “racial arsonists” are spreading
“Propaganda” and fears.

Such a spin on the issue
Ignores the problems at hand,
And the disenfranchised people
Remain in no man's land.

Anything to deflect
The viewers from the truth…
To see through the crafty tactics
Doesn't require a sleuth.

To ignore the people's expression
Of frustration, anger, and grief,
And to call it "victim mentality"
Is utterly beyond belief.

Granted, there have been troublemakers
Who've deviated from the path
Of peaceful demonstration
And incurred the people's wrath.

Vandalism and looting
Are wrong; but let's not forget
That issues of inequality
Have not been solved as yet.

Instead of feeding its viewers
Gossip and mindless chatter,
Fox News should focus on facts
And real situations that matter.

By Bob B (12-3-14)