Tuesday, July 30, 2024

All About Freedom

Americans will very soon

Be heading back to the voting booth.

This election is all about freedom;

Ignoring THAT is denying the truth.


Freedom--that is--to live in a place

Where shooting deaths are minimized--

Where commonsense gun control

Measures can be exercised;


Freedom to live in a country where

The rule of law is held supreme

And isn't flouted and trampled on

By an administrative team;


Freedom for women to make decisions

Regarding their reproductive rights,

Which have been attacked by those

Who whet extremist appetites;


Freedom to access IVF

Treatment, which should be guaranteed

For anyone who's able to

Afford it and when there is a need;


Freedom to follow any religion

Or even to follow none at all,

And NOT have religion thrust on others,

For that's not anyone else's call;


Freedom to be the person you are

And not what others say you must be

Because they do not understand

Your natural trans identity;


Freedom to live in a country where

The right to vote is not suppressed,

And unscrupulous people don't make

Denying election results their quest;


Freedom to live without the worry

Of having your marriage rights denied

By folks who feel that anti-gay

Discrimination is justified.


Freedoms should NOT be taken lightly.

They're HARD to come by; EASY to lose.

Do we want to maintain our freedoms,

Or see them threatened? We must choose.

-by Bob B (7-30-24)

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