Tuesday, July 30, 2024

All About Freedom

Americans will very soon

Be heading back to the voting booth.

This election is all about freedom;

Ignoring THAT is denying the truth.


Freedom--that is--to live in a place

Where shooting deaths are minimized--

Where commonsense gun control

Measures can be exercised;


Freedom to live in a country where

The rule of law is held supreme

And isn't flouted and trampled on

By an administrative team;


Freedom for women to make decisions

Regarding their reproductive rights,

Which have been attacked by those

Who whet extremist appetites;


Freedom to access IVF

Treatment, which should be guaranteed

For anyone who's able to

Afford it and when there is a need;


Freedom to follow any religion

Or even to follow none at all,

And NOT have religion thrust on others,

For that's not anyone else's call;


Freedom to be the person you are

And not what others say you must be

Because they do not understand

Your natural trans identity;


Freedom to live in a country where

The right to vote is not suppressed,

And unscrupulous people don't make

Denying election results their quest;


Freedom to live without the worry

Of having your marriage rights denied

By folks who feel that anti-gay

Discrimination is justified.


Freedoms should NOT be taken lightly.

They're HARD to come by; EASY to lose.

Do we want to maintain our freedoms,

Or see them threatened? We must choose.

-by Bob B (7-30-24)

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Prosecutor Versus the Felon

The prosecutor versus the felon:

The felon had better be wary.

THIS prosecutor will be

A powerful adversary.


Both are running for president.

The felon thinks that he

Can disconcert the prosecutor,

Who happens to be a she.


She can see directly through

The tactics that he uses

To boost his power and also to flout

The laws that he abuses.


Perceptive, undaunted, astute, and wise,

She knows a con when she sees one.

And anyone who pays attention

Certainly knows that he's one.


Judging from past experience,

We know that he'll resort

To unabashedly accepting

His Russian buddy's support.


Come November, voters should

Remember the following quote:

"This is a fight for freedom," she says.

She will get my vote.

-by Bob B (7-26-24)

Monday, July 8, 2024

What an Abomination!

Look around and pay attention.

A scary movement is on the rise,

Which ultimately could turn this country

Into a fascist's paradise.


Christian nationalism is what

The movement is called, and what it's about

Is a merging of church and state

And turning this country inside out.


Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus,

And everybody else beware.

You might like you current freedoms.

Christian nationalists don't care.


Infiltrating local, state,

And national government positions,

They're pushing their religious agenda

And pressuring other politicians.


Christianity's not the problem.

It's Christian fanatics who want to thrive.

They love the extreme ideas expressed

In Project 2025.


They want to quash the rights of gays,

Deny women the right to choose,

And reshape the federal government

With loyalists who share their views.


They're also weary of immigrants,

And climate change to them is fiction.

They claim to love this nation, but that's

A hypocritical contradiction.


Some even think that violence

Is justified to help them prevail.

It's almost as though they'd like to live



If being agnostic can develop

By degrees, then I must say

That these religious extremists make me

More agnostic every day.

-by Bob B (7-8-24)

Thursday, July 4, 2024

One More Nail in the Coffin

Supreme Court justices,

Smiling at autocracy,

Have pounded one more nail into

The coffin of democracy.


Immunity! That is what

They decided Trump should get.

Of course, Trump and his Court lackeys

Are in one another's debt.


Receiving immunity for actions

While serving a term as president

Is dangerous for a person like Trump

Who has an egomaniacal bent.


Giving so much power to him

While he's in office unfairly slights

The rest of us, for such a move

Diminishes the people's rights.


Yes, the rights of the rest of us,

For we have seen how he abuses

The power of the executive branch

To do whatsoever he chooses.

Our founding fathers emphasized

That no one is above the law.

The Court regards our Constitution

With a deprecatory "Pshaw!"


There were dissenters--only three--

Who criticized the Court's decision.

But sadly it is not enough

For three to have a clearer vision.


Treating the president of the country

As though he were a powerful king

Makes me sick, especially when

People sing "let freedom ring."

-by Bob B (7-4-24)

Monday, July 1, 2024

That's Called a Debate?

Trump has no idea as to

How to debate. That's NO surprise.

He merely bombards his opponent with

A litany of foolish lies.


Lie after lie shoots out of his mouth.

How does he do it with no chagrin?

Attempts to address his many untruths

Has one wondering where to begin.


January 6? He lied.

Immigration? He lied again.

Roe v Wade? Another lie.

Do your job, CNN.


For moderators of Trump's debates,

I'd like to offer a little suggestion:

Stop him when he rambles on

And say, "Mr. Trump, answer the question!"


Getting him to make any sense

Was difficult, to say the least.

His fans who eat up his lies with gusto

Were offered that night a real feast.


He blamed the failure to call the National

Guard on Nancy Pelosi! How rude!

How dare he cast the blame on her

For his own ineptitude!


That Democrats think women's choice

Should be determined by each state?

The truth for Trump is meaningless--

Only something to desecrate.


It's really hard to imagine how

American voters would desire

To have a president in office

Who's such a pathological liar.

-by Bob B (7-1-24)