Thursday, February 1, 2024


Allah, Jehovah, Brahma, Zeus…
They're all the same to me
And represent humankind's
Quest to find a key—
A key that will unlock the door
To what can't be explained
And hopefully confirm that seekers'
Hopes can be sustained.
People search for meaning that
Transcends the commonplace
Within this giant universe
Of particles and space.
Some say that instead of looking
Outward, search within.
To search for deeper truths, that is
A good place to begin.
And if we think we have the answer,
We should not forget
That other folks with different answers
Should not be a threat.
Ultimately, if we do
Or don't see eye to eye,
Frankly, none if it will truly
Matter when we die.
-by Bob B (2-1-24)