Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson,
Now compares himself to Moses.
It's rather disconcerting what
His total self-aggrandizement shows us.
It's what he told Christian lawmakers.
Now he's waiting to cross the Red Sea.
How arrogant and delusional
Can a politician be?
Strangely, he said that God had spoken
To him when he was down on his knees.
He might as well have compared himself
With Paul Bunyan or Hercules.
It makes one wonder whether Johnson
Has been a bit too much on the sauce.
Will his ego grow so large
That he will nail himself to a cross?
Let him raise his rod and try
To part the waters. Wish him luck.
To tell the truth, Johnson seems
Less like a Moses and more like a schmuck.
-by Bob B (12-7-23)