Monday, December 25, 2023

Christms Spirit

It doesn't matter whether we

Are Christians--no, not one bit--

To celebrate the spirit of Christmas.

Believers need not have a fit.


The joy of love and giving and spending

Time with family and friends,

Of wishing happiness and peace,

Of letting go and making amends


All can permeate the day--

Not just the day, the season in toto.

Let the happiness be seen

In every charming holiday photo.


Show the spirit of love and compassion

To everyone of every creed.

Let us all find ways to give

Comfort and aid to those in need.


Let's not close our eyes to all

The suffering that's all around us

And not let people with hateful agendas

Harden our hearts or distract or confound us.


The holiday is a time to reflect

On love, acceptance, and understanding.

And may our efforts to stop all wars

Around the world be ever expanding.


That's the Christmas spirit that we

Can spread to all with heartfelt cheer,

And NOT just during the holidays,

But every day throughout the year.


Merry Christmas, happy holidays, or happy whatever to all!

-by Bob B (12-25-23)

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Johnson, aka Moses

Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson,

Now compares himself to Moses.

It's rather disconcerting what

His total self-aggrandizement shows us.


It's what he told Christian lawmakers.

Now he's waiting to cross the Red Sea.

How arrogant and delusional

Can a politician be?


Strangely, he said that God had spoken

To him when he was down on his knees.

He might as well have compared himself

With Paul Bunyan or Hercules.


It makes one wonder whether Johnson

Has been a bit too much on the sauce.

Will his ego grow so large

That he will nail himself to a cross?


Let him raise his rod and try

To part the waters. Wish him luck.

To tell the truth, Johnson seems

Less like a Moses and more like a schmuck.

-by Bob B (12-7-23)

Friday, December 1, 2023

Good-bye, Santos, Good-bye!

(This poem can be sung to the tune of the 1922 song "Toot…Toot…Tootsie, Good-bye.")


Good-bye, Santos,° good-bye!

Wipe that tear from your eye.

The fraud you have committed

And other crimes from which you clearly benefited

Have caught up with you now.

That's why Congress said, "Ciao!"

Which means "so long."

I could be wrong,

But you won't find much favor if you sing your sad song.

Just you try to deny

What you did. So good-bye!


Good-bye, Santos, good-bye!

You think you're quite a guy!

How could your fans give you a nod

With all your lies and money laundering and fraud.

Are you really for real?

You have lost your appeal.

What will you do

Now that you're through?

Prosecutors probably are looking for you.

Will you eat humble pie?

Hope so, Santos. Good-bye!

-by Bob B (12-1-23)

°George Santos: former U.S. representative from New York's 3rd congressional district