Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

I ran into Tom the Turkey again.

It's been a year since I saw him last.

He told me he was trying out

A recommended Thanksgiving fast.


"If everybody would fast today,"

He said, "wouldn't THAT be sweet?

They'd be healthier; instead,

They gorge themselves on turkey meat.


"The president can pardon turkeys.

That is something I'd like to discuss

With White House folks. If HE can do that,

Why can't he pardon ALL of us?


"It's getting harder for me each year

To find a place where I can hide.

I've tried to disguise myself, but that

Is awkward. You know I've got my pride.


"People are always making up stories.

Maybe I will do the same.

Spread the word: the meat from turkeys

Is bad and it will bring you shame.


"So it's not true. That doesn't matter.

My goal is to hoodwink and I can achieve it.

People who like conspiracy theories

Are gullible enough to believe it.


"In the meantime, I'm going to keep

A very low profile again today."

He waddled off, wishing me

A happy Thanksgiving anyway.

-by Bob B (11-23-23)