Saturday, August 19, 2023

My Passion

My grandfather used to think

That reading wasn't doing.

Keeping busy with projects was

The path that's worth pursuing.


For him, reading was what he did

When all his work was done.

At that point he could sit and relax

And have a little fun.


I, however, feel that reading

And doing are one and the same.

I can read for hours and hours

And not feel an ounce of shame.


Reading exercises the brain

And is an active pursuit.

One could hope the activity

Would open the mind to boot.


True, sometimes I read too much--

Maybe more than I should--

And chores end up on the back burner.

That's not always good.


But I cannot imagine a world

Without reading and books.

And Grandfather's no longer around

To give me dirty looks.

-by Bob B (8-19-23)