This is a violent universe.
Galaxies are colliding.
A big black hole could gobble us up.
From some things there's no hiding.
A meteor could crash into Earth.
It wouldn't just make a din;
The impact and the after-effects
Could surely do us in.
A huge volcano could erupt.
What would be in store?
Much of life could become extinct.
It's happened on Earth before.
Ultimately, a red giant
Will be the fate of our sun,
And we will all be vaporized.
That doesn't sound like fun.
If the universe collapses
Upon itself, well, then
Maybe another big bang would
Happen all over again.
Or if it keeps expanding, we
Would take a different route.
Eventually, everything
Would just fizzle out.
Are there multiple universes?
Are we not alone?
Are they as violent as ours?
So much is unknown.
In the meantime, I'll enjoy
The sun's gorgeous display,
And watch it rise and set and hope
To see another day.
-by Bob B (7-3-23)