Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Good-bye, Tucker, Good-bye!

(This poem can be sung to the tune of the 1922 song "Toot…Toot…Tootsie, Good-bye.")


Good-bye, Tucker,° good-bye!

How did things go awry?

I CAN'T say we will miss you.

For years we hoped that your producers would dismiss you.

How so could you not know

How low you tried to go?

Did you not see

How it would be

If you kept on lying through your teeth on TV?

And so, Tucker, nice try!

Good-bye, Tucker, good-bye!


Good-bye, Tucker, good-bye!

No, we're NOT going to cry.

We are glad that you're going away,

And we won't say to come again some other day.

Tell us, Tucker, why you

Did what you tried to do.

When they all rant,

Hypocrites can't

Care about the ones out there whom they disenchant.

I'll say with a dry eye,

"Good-bye, Tucker, good-bye!"

-by Bob B (4-25-23)

°Tucker Carlson: political talk show host fired from Fox News