Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Good-bye, Tucker, Good-bye!

(This poem can be sung to the tune of the 1922 song "Toot…Toot…Tootsie, Good-bye.")


Good-bye, Tucker,° good-bye!

How did things go awry?

I CAN'T say we will miss you.

For years we hoped that your producers would dismiss you.

How so could you not know

How low you tried to go?

Did you not see

How it would be

If you kept on lying through your teeth on TV?

And so, Tucker, nice try!

Good-bye, Tucker, good-bye!


Good-bye, Tucker, good-bye!

No, we're NOT going to cry.

We are glad that you're going away,

And we won't say to come again some other day.

Tell us, Tucker, why you

Did what you tried to do.

When they all rant,

Hypocrites can't

Care about the ones out there whom they disenchant.

I'll say with a dry eye,

"Good-bye, Tucker, good-bye!"

-by Bob B (4-25-23)

°Tucker Carlson: political talk show host fired from Fox News

Monday, April 17, 2023

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Lay your wreath, light your candles,

And think on all that’s good and say

“Never again!” as we reflect

On Holocaust Remembrance Day.


How can humans be so cruel?

A question we must ponder as we

Think of the millions who lost their lives

Because of gross inhumanity.


Sadly there are people who

Deny the truth of the Holocaust.

With cold and calloused hearts they refuse

To acknowledge the many lives that were lost.


If we ignore the enormity

Of all the crimes committed, then

How will we ever be sure that such

Atrocities won't happen again?


May all who perished rest in peace.

We must keep human hatred at bay.

In fact, every day should be

A Holocaust Remembrance Day.

-by Bob B (4-17-23)

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Heart Attack!

You think you're healthy and in good shape.

Cholesterol is low.

Blood pressure is not a problem.

You've got some get-up-and-go.


You go on a daily four-mile walk.

You eat as well as you can.

Fruits and vegetables are both

Part of your daily plan.


Yes, you like your sweets; you feel

Life must have some perks.

You try to balance the good with the bad

And always hope that it works.


Avoiding stressful debt, you live

Comfortably in the black.

And then without any warning, what happens?

You have a heart attack!


Life we know is full of surprises.

Expect the unexpected.

It's strange how a problem with one's heart

Could long go undetected.


The help from paramedics and doctors

And nurses--I can say--

Has given me a new lease on life,

For I am alive today.


A stent in a major artery lets

The blood flow near the heart.

I hope that no more blockages

Will show up in my chart.


Although our bodies are strong and resilient,

It is also said

That despite our resiliency,

We hang by the thinnest thread.


I hope my ticker keeps on ticking,

Displacing some of my fears;

And may the beats continue to sound

For many, many years.

-by Bob B (4-2-23)

Saturday, April 1, 2023


When Teflon Don was under attack,

He would shrug his shoulders and scoff.

But finally it appears as though

His Teflon coating is wearing off.


Many people want to see justice.

For some an explosive was ignited.

They can't stand the thought that their

Former president was indicted.


They call it a witch hunt, a dangerous

Abuse of power, a communist plot,

A vengeful attack by angry libs--

All of which it's truly not.


Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen,

Had to serve a prison term.

If current charges are related,

Is that why Trump is starting to squirm?


If he is innocent, so be it.

Let's repeat day after day

The mantra "No one's above the law."

If he is guilty, then he should pay.

-by Bob B (4-1-23)