Friday, January 6, 2023

Second Anniversary

This is January 6.

Just two years ago today

Mobs of insurrectionists

Made an ugly, brutal display:


They stormed the U.S. Capitol

All because of a president's lie--

An EX-president now, that is,

Who hasn't stopped his attempts to deny


Election results from 2020.

Oh, and his supporters still

Travel south to kiss his ring,

Sing his praises, and bend to his will.


He doesn't care whose life he threatens

When making scathing, untruthful remarks.

He doesn't care what kind of damage

One of his dangerous comments sparks.


So how far have we come since then--

Since the day of the insurrection?

There has been an investigation,

And there has been a midterm election.


Still too many election deniers

Have seats in Congress and fan the flames

Of discontent, by pushing falsehoods

And making truly obnoxious claims.


The main culprit lives in his mansion,

Entertaining extremists and kooks

And thinking that he is above the law.

His foes still get his constant rebukes.


People have come forth to speak.

Folks have been convicted of crimes.

Democracy, when under attack,

Must strive to survive such scary times.


Praise to those who have spoken out,

Undaunted by threats, unafraid.

When ALL have been held accountable,

Then REAL progress will have been made.

-by Bob B (1-6-23)