Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Terror in Colorado Springs

Saturday night, November 19:

A gunman entered a bar

And started shooting at those who were present,

Leaving a somber scar


On many lives, for five were killed;

Their lives can't be replaced.

Such a shooter lives with hatred

And anger interlaced.


Nineteen others were injured there.

Their lives will never be

The same again, for they'll live with

That dreadful memory.


The patrons used to consider the club

A place where they could feel

Safe and secure with being themselves--

A place where they could be real.


No longer will that be the case.


Community has once again

Seen malice flourish anew.


Vicious words and violent speech

Have gotten out of hand,

And people lose their humanity when

The fires of rancor are fanned.


Hatred comes in many forms

And leaves a nasty smirch

On all of us, and sadly it

Is often taught in church.

-by Bob B (11-22-22)