Saturday, December 25, 2021

Another Carol for Christmas

I woke up and straightaway

I felt the spirit of Christmas Day,

Although the day was cold and gray

On Christmas Day in the morning.


The memories of Christmas past--

Many of which are unsurpassed--

Are memories I hope will last

On Christmas Day in the morning.


No matter what all people believe,

The spirit of giving to which we cleave

Is possible for us all to achieve

On Christmas Day in the morning.


In order to save the human race,

Here's a goal we can all embrace:

Let's make the world a better place

On Christmas Day in the morning.


Spread goodwill and hopes for peace.

May our love and wisdom increase,

And may injustice and anger cease

On Christmas Day in the morning.


On Christmas Day we spread our cheer.

Let's spread it every day of the year.

We can do it if we're sincere

On Christmas Day in the morning.

-by Bob B (12-25-21)