Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Glorious California!

Breathtaking coastlines, towering pines,

Hills and valleys with grapes on vines

From which we produce our exquisite wines…

Glorious California!


Majestic forests, volcanic peaks,

Beachside towns with their quaint boutiques,

Silicon Valley and its techno-geeks…

Glorious California!


Golden hills with their sprawling oaks,

Expansive fields of artichokes…

There's magic that your name invokes.

Glorious California!


Miles and miles of fine desert sand,

Sometimes a language we don't understand,

But that helps to make this state so grand…

Glorious California!


Poppy-lined roads, gardens and flowers,

Varied landscapes as you drive for hours,

Yosemite's grandeur after spring showers…

Glorious California!


I have been elsewhere

And seen wondrous places--

Mountainous regions

And vast open spaces.

But when I'm away,

I find that I yearn

For home and can't wait

Until I return.


Though crowded at times and in traffic we wait,

No place is perfect; still you're first-rate.

So much beauty in this golden state!

Glorious California!


Some say your taxes are far too high,

Affordable housing's in short supply,

But I plan to stay here until I die.

Glorious California!

-by Bob B (11-29-21)