Life has its beautiful moments
When everything appears to jell.
Then, of course, life is filled
With moments of suffering as well.
Good days, bad days. The pendulum swings.
We’re happy today, we’re sad tomorrow.
Our attitude makes a huge difference
In how we respond to joy and sorrow.
Whatever inhabits my earthly form
Is a temporary guest
Until that time comes for me
To enter into eternal rest.
Eternal rest. I like how that sounds.
And also the thought of resting in peace.
Happiness becomes transformed
And illness, pain, and suffering cease.
It’s human nature for us to want
Some things to last forever and hence
As much as we cling to people and things,
Know that there is a consequence.
I hate the thought of leaving my loved ones—
My family, my friends—and earthly pleasures,
But when my time is up, I know
That Death defies our countermeasures.
That being said, I do not wish
To die tomorrow or hasten the end.
I just prefer to look at Death
Not as a foe but more as a friend.
-by Bob B (10-26-21)