Friday, July 16, 2021

What the...?

Sometimes it is undeniably

Hard to comprehend

How people can support a loser

To the bitter end.


For example: a twice-impeached

One-term president who

After four chaotic years

Has nothing better to do


Than demonstrate his nastiness

And fervently embrace

Anyone who bows to him

As he lies to his base.


His toadies let themselves be guided

Like marionettes on a string,

And many flock to Mar-a-Lago

To kiss their cult leader's ring.


The man--crazed, deluded--seems

Totally unaware

That the more he talks, the more

We know he's not all there.


He still thinks he's president--

That he'll be reinstated--

And that President Biden's term

Will be terminated!


He thinks that the clown-show audits

Will have the proof he'll use

To try to convince the country that

He didn't really lose.


One would think Republicans would be

Tying themselves in knots

Over what he's doing. But no,

They let him call the shots.


One could laugh if it weren't so

Sick, disgusting and sad.

But what's going on is serious.

Folks, we've been had!


It seems we're watching democracy go

Into a tailspin.

It won't be destroyed from without

But instead from within.

-by Bob B (7-16-21)