Friday, March 26, 2021

Your Friendly Republican Legislators

We’re your friendly Republican

Legislators! Yay!

Whether state or federal,

We are here to stay.

We will change the laws to make

Sure that we maintain

All the power that we want;

We won’t let it wane.


We will use all strategies

To get what we desire--

Even if we have to lie,

Hoodwink or conspire.

If we make it hard to vote,

That will help us win,

As we watch opponents fall

Into a tailspin.


If opponents get perchance

More votes, we won’t grieve,

For we have something really quite

Sneaky up our sleeve.

It will be an obstacle

Easy to surmount:

We’ll find devious ways to make

Opponents' votes not count.


If you look into our eyes

And see we have no soul,

That’s okay ‘cause all we want

Are power and control.

If sacrificing democratic

Values in order to keep

Our power and authority,

We don't give a (bleep).

-by Bob B (3-26-21)

Friday, March 5, 2021


There's a pandemic that still is not

Under control, and what's more,

A suffering economy

And weather extremes cause problems to soar.


And all across the country we have

Republicans supporting a guy

Who incited an insurrection

By pushing what we call the Big Lie.


Millions of people here are in

Desperate financial straits,

Trying to keep their dwellings and cars

And struggling to get some food on their plates.


And yet we have Republicans

In Congress who would rather waste time

Impudently obstructing bills

To help the people. What a crime!


With so much domestic terrorism

Flourishing and voter suppression

On top of everything else, these

"Leaders" have a strange obsession:


They have decided that it is much

More important to worry instead

About some books by Dr. Seuss

And the fate of Mr. Potato Head!


Listen to them scream about

"Cancel culture" as though it's true--

As though an evil plot exists

To ultimately cancel you.


With such legislators making

Decisions, we're in a real mess.

How strange that foolishness turns out being

The true measure of their success!

-by Bob B (3-5-21)

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Move

Two men stopped by a Zen temple

To speak with the temple master, who

They hoped would gladly share with them

His honest and expert point of view.


The first man said, "I think I want

To move to the local town, so please

Tell me what the town is like.

That will put my mind at ease."


The master responded, "Tell ME about

Your current town. How would you rate it?"

"Ugh!" the man replied. "The people

There are mean and hateful. I hate it!"


The master listened calmly, and then

Shaking his head, he said, "It's clear

From what you have been telling me

That you would also hate it here."


The man bowed and left the room.

The second man entered the room and sat.

He also inquired about the town

And the surrounding habitat.


"Tell me about your current town,"

The master said with a smile on his face.

"The people are nice," the man replied.

"It's a truly wonderful place."


"Ah!" the master exclaimed. "Then from

What you're telling me, I can tell

That you without a doubt are going

To love the local town as well."

-by Bob B (3-3-21)

°An old Zen anecdote retold here in verse

(Photo from Kyoto Taizoin/Facebook)