Tuesday, September 15, 2020


The president has hammered away
Constantly--year after year--
At major attempts to instill in the people
An overwhelming sense of fear.

Asylum seekers and immigrants
Pose a threat--one that's severe--
And terrorists are swarming across
Our border, he's said, instilling fear.

The free press is our enemy,
He's often said, making it clear
That he thinks he can score more points
By making the people live in fear.

The Democrats are after your guns,
He says whenever he has someone's ear,
Trying to make the people more
Insecure by stoking fear.

You in the suburbs had better beware:
The way of life to which you adhere
Is under attack, he says, as riff-raff
Slowly move in. Once again: fear.

Voter fraud is rampant, he says,
Making a non-issue appear
To be a major problem and hoping
To win again through lies and fear.

The Dems are socialists, he says,
Destroying us. Another smear.
He hopes that he can win more votes
By making up stories and stirring up fear.

His people now say liberals
Are arming themselves as the election draws near
To wreak havoc in case he wins.
Another unjustifiable fear.

Such are the ways of an autocrat.
If we want to be sincere,
That he could win four more years
Should be our REAL cause of fear.

-by Bob B (9-15-20)