Saturday, April 18, 2020

From Denial to Blame Game

COVID-19 continues to spread.
We know that for a fact.
And yet it took the feds such
A long time to act.

Trump's denial at first didn't
Help the matter at all.
There are obvious consequences
When nations' leaders stall.

Trump supporters on TV report,
"People die every day
In swimming pools and accidents."
Obnoxious things to say!

One thing that makes their arguments
So utterly outrageous
Is that auto accidents
And pools are NOT contagious!

To save the economy, let people die?
That is what they're implying.
Their callousness and thoughtlessness
Are truly horrifying.

Trump's approach flip-flops daily,
From what we can see.
He wants ultimate power but no

When state governors implement
Guidelines on his list,
He stupidly tells fanatic fans
To publicly resist.

He tells the country's governors
It's all in their hands.
Inept and lacking empathy,
He's tired of their demands.

By making them all fend for themselves,
He can later claim
That if the situation worsens,
They'll be the ones to blame.

It's all about the election to him--
That his power survives.
He hopes that no one sees how he's playing
Politics with our lives.

We can't move forward if we do not
Implement widespread testing.
Test, isolate, treat, and trace
Are what we should be requesting.

As one governor succinctly says--
Not wanting to blunder--
That it's much better to be six feet
Apart than six feet under.

-by Bob B (4-18-20)