Sunday, December 22, 2019

Little Liam

Little Liam, you sit on my lap
And look at the world with questioning eyes.
What's going on in your little brain?
We adults can only surmise.

Too young to be afraid,
You are now so utterly obsessed
With putting everything into
Your mouth. Is that your litmus test?

At six months old, you probably
Expect to only be pampered and fed.
I doubt you have an inkling about
What adventures lie ahead.

I fear that we are leaving you
A world that's terribly disjointed.
We would love to make you proud
But fear you might be disappointed.

How could anyone hold you and not
Want to protect you to the hilt?
Your curious, trusting eyes, however,
Fill my aching heart with guilt.

All your uncle has to do
Is look into your innocent face
To know that he must fight much harder
To make this world a better place.

-by Bob B (12-22-19)