Monday, November 4, 2019


The quiet of the early morning
Before the break of dawn…
Glistening nighttime dew captures
Moonlight on the lawn.

The soundless darkness obfuscates…
Tranquility prevails…
Not a chirp is heard, for there
Are no nightingales.

Shadows on the moonlit sidewalk
Cast by the towering palm
Punctuate the serenity
Of the morning calm.

Although the silent inner voices
And noiseless thoughts don't cease,
The stillness fills one's being with
A soothing inner peace.

Taking full advantage of
The still dark morning hours,
Hungry snails quietly
Feast on garden flowers.

Shhh! If you listen intently
Before the snails depart,
You will hear the soft and rhythmic
Beating of your heart.

-by Bob B (11-4-19)