Thursday, April 4, 2019

Being in the Now

The past has disappeared, and yet
It's all a part of this moment somehow.
The future hasn't occurred, but it
Is nonetheless tied to now.

The essence of what we were before birth
And also of what we'll be when we're gone
Eludes those who want to explain
An existential phenomenon.

Humankind's greatest attempts
To clarify life's mysteries
All fall short of certainty.
Is there one who truly "sees"?

Time and being are inextricably
Woven together. How sublime!
Time cannot be separated
From being, nor can being from time.

Why spend time--if that's the case--
Speculating on hocus-pocus?
Finding one's authentic self
Ought to be one's major focus.

Fight the waves and you might be
Swept away in the undertow.
Dive into the river of life
And let yourself go with the flow.

-by Bob B (4-4-19)