Tuesday, February 5, 2019

One Woman's Complaint

"I am having trouble understanding what it is
That motivates the machinations of the male sex.
They LOVE to flex their muscles but the mental muscle ought
To be the real muscle that they flex.

"I will not apologize for having natural beauty.
I've been a lucky person ever since my birth.
But why is it so hard for men to gaze beneath the surface?
They constantly overlook my worth.

"Hey, tell me what is wrong with clever conversation.
My girlfriends tell me it's a gift for which I have a knack.
But guys come up and talk to me for one reason only,
And that is to get me in the sack!

"I'm not saying all men out there out there act like lecherous louses.
Some have great respect for women; they know how to treat them.
But they must be a dime a dozen, for to tell the truth,
I have no idea where to meet them.

"I wish I could be optimistic, but it's really hard
To meet that special person who could be that perfect find.
Someday I would really love to meet a guy who has
More than sex and football on his mind.

"They say that all the nice ones have a wife and kids, or maybe
They have other interests, and that's fine. But egad!
Just because they're married doesn't mean that they are perfect.
A married man can also be a cad.

"Though I’m not a rocket scientist, I am not a dummy.
To try to guess what makes men tick I guess would be in vain,
For even though I graduated summa cum laude,
The SOBs don't want me for my brain!"

-by Bob B (2-2-19)