Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Birds of Prey

Hawks are present. Perhaps you can't
See them all, but they are there--
Waiting for the perfect moment
To capture you, unaware.

You are told it has to do with
Needed management and control.
But know they long to tear you apart
Because they cannot swallow you whole.

Are they circling overhead?
Listen carefully; decipher their cries.
Despite what you are told to believe,
They want to rule the land and skies.

Always on the lookout for victims,
They tie power and strength to wealth.
They seek out the vulnerable.
Their strategy: attack by stealth.

While you earn your livelihood--
Working hard to make ends meet--
To them you are nothing but
A menu item--something to eat.

They can spot you from far away.
Your home's a fragile sanctuary.
Is your encounter part of a plan,
Or is it strictly arbitrary?

When they say, "Do not fear;
We're your friends." That's not true.
One false move and it's all over.
Certain things you can't undo.

It doesn't matter whether you
Are fast or slow, strong or frail,
Once they have you, say good-bye.
Your screams will be of no avail.

-by Bob B (8-4-18)