Sunday, September 30, 2018

Up to Snuff?

Hey, Judge Kavanaugh,
What should people think
When they hear all about
How much you liked to drink?
You can play it down, of course,
But one thing's very clear:
When you went to school, your friends
Knew you liked your beer.

You showed up at your hearing with
All guns a blazing!
Your little friend Lindsey Graham
Thought you were amazing.
It doesn't really matter to him
If you're wrong or right.
People say that Graham has
Bigger goals in sight.

You are bound and determined to be
On our highest court.
You THINK you're qualified, but something
Tells us you fall short.
A judge-like character
Is ONE thing that's required.
But your impartiality
Leaves much to be desired.

Sure you have your fans who say
You are a decent man.
Republicans are using you
As part of their master plan.
Your shining record doesn't mean
That you weren't once a jerk.
Now that you've cleaned up your act
You want to do "God's work."

Call your attacks a smear if you want,
But we have had enough.
America deserves a justice
Who is up to snuff.
If up to par, what will further
Investigations show?
That you deserve to be a yes,
Or will you be a no?

-by Bob B (9-30-18)

Saturday, September 29, 2018

I or Me?

Many speakers of English have trouble
Knowing which pronoun they should be using.
Why do they find "I" or "me"
Or "she" or "her" so confusing?

"Between you and I" is a phrase
That many speakers of English say.
"Between you and me" is spot on.
Don't let "I" get in the way.

"Her brother and her went to the movie."
How could "her" go to a show?
"She and her brother" actually went.
Isn't that easy? Don't say no.

"The present is from Julie and I."
From "I"? No, no, that can't be.
Here's what we really should be saying:
"The present is from Julie and me."

"Her and I have known each other
For many years." I hear that said.
Ouch! Let "she" replace the word "her."
It should be "she and I" instead.

If one or more pronouns are used in a phrase,
Here's a tip that's kind of fun:
If you're not sure which one to use,
Always try them one by one.

For example, take the phrase
"Me and Tom like apple pie."
Tom likes pie; I like it, too.
So, it should be "Tom and I."

There you have it. For someone like
You and me, this is a cinch.
You and I will know the correct
Pronoun to use when we're in a pinch.

-by Bob B (9-29-18)

Friday, September 28, 2018

Lamenting the Death of Truth*

We hobble along with outrage fatigue
And watch as nothing ever exhausts
Our Machiavellian leaders' use
Of the media to win at all costs.

False story lines prevail.
To hell with accuracy and precision.
Sowing distrust of higher learning
Solidifies their paranoid vision.

Watch how their destructive disdain
For expertise gains vitality
As people's opinions and feelings stomp
On any form of objective reality.

Watch as they rewrite history;
Notice how data can be erased
As they become suspicious of much
Information that's science-based.

Language becomes weaponized:
Hyperbole, salacious lies,
And slippery superlatives
Celebrate truth's demise.

Party loyalty: that is key.
All that matters is the sale.
Hijacking democracy
Becomes the goal: the holy grail.

Mobilized by grievance, they
Inflame fear and anger. They hope
That we will find scapegoats to blame
When we are at the end of our rope.

A general illiteracy
On issues that affect our lives
Keeps us all in doubt while they
Create fake news and sharpen their knives.

Ah, how they want you to fear
Government, which is ironic,
For they themselves are government.
Look at their smiles, cold and sardonic.

Give equal weight to both
Sides of arguments, they say.
That's how they can justify
Bigotry and lead us astray.

While extremist views go mainstream,
Blurred lines make life hazy.
Keep watering narcissism,
And you will see it grow like crazy.

Their careful manipulation of language
Proves how much their rhetoric's swollen.
The people find it hard to accept
That basic freedoms are being stolen.

As we lament the death of truth
And wonder how it came to pass,
Before we cast blame we must
Peer into the looking glass.

-by Bob B (9-28-18)

*Inspired by The Death of Truth by Michiko Kakutani

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What Happens There Doesn't Always Stay There

What happened in Georgetown stays in Georgetown.
Judge Kavanaugh, that's what you said.
But maybe that's not always the case,
For now you see that stories spread.

If you are the goody two shoes
That Republicans say you are,
Prove to us that you have what
It takes to be their shining star.

Gang rapes? Drunken parties?
Serious charges for a youth.
What happened there behind closed doors?
We just want to know the truth.

Survivors are merely asking for further
FBI investigations
To get to the bottom of all of this.
These are serious accusations.

One thing that they have done
Or at least say that they will do
Is take a lie detector test.
Maybe YOU should take one, too.

"This poor man's life is being ruined."
That is what your fans are saying.
They ignore how others' lives
Have been affected. That's dismaying.

Look at the hollow hypocrisy
Of members of Congress who turn their backs
On women who have struggled to
Survive violent sexual attacks.

Some say that the Democrats
Are experts at how to lie and cheat.
But we've seen that Republicans
In Congress are masters of deceit.

Holding back pertinent
Information is not the best
Way to show that a nominee
Makes the grade--passes the test.

Judge Scalia's position was kept
Open for over 400 days!
Now they want to rush to judgment,
Ramming you through with no delays!

A thorough study's important, but
Republicans don't give a damn.
The confirmation process here
Has turned into a real sham.

-by Bob B (9-25-18)

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Blasted Phone Calls!

The telephone is constantly ringing;
I’m on the verge of insanity.
It’s all I can do when answering calls
Not to break out in profanity.

It doesn’t help to block a number,
For callers will use another.
How many do they have access to?
Twenty? Forty? Brother!

The scammers are the worst, of course—
Each a conniving crook!
But telephone solicitors?
Also bad in my book!

If they would only take NO for an answer,
It wouldn’t be so bad.
But when they importune me for money,
That’s when I get mad.

Sometimes solicitors overstep
The bounds of familiarity;
If they do, I’ll flatly refuse
To donate to their charity.

I hate to be rude, but it’s hard not to
Say something mean.
As I said, I'm at the point
Of saying something obscene!

It MUST be self-defeating for them,
For I know I'm not alone
When I say they’re forcing me
To never answer my phone.

The “Do Not Call List”? What a joke!
Robocalls? A pain.
All of us in phone-call hell
Have the right to complain.

This phone-call madness will have its place
In the annals of demonology,
For we know one thing: it is one
Of the curses of modern technology.

-by Bob B (9-13-18)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9/11: 17th Anniversary

Seventeen years ago
America was shaken to the core.
Since not too long after that
We've been involved in a non-stop war.

Homeland security
Became an issue that since then
Hoped to assure Americans
That such attacks won't happen again.

During the past seventeen years
Many measures have been taken
To make us safe; however, it's time
For sleeping minds to reawaken.

Lacking foresight, our president
Has gone after the people who
Have worked to make us safe. The man
Doesn't seem to have a clue.

Discrediting investigators,
Removing them from key positions,
And pulling security clearances
Because of paranoid suspicions

Will only make us vulnerable
To future terrorist attacks.
Watch how his Republican friends
In Congress support him. Political hacks!

The president also hates
When investigators eye
American involvement with
The Russian mafia. We know why.

It's hard to watch as the president--
With almost each careless endeavor--
Stupidly goes out of his way
To make us more unsafe than ever.

-by Bob B (9-11-18)

The Old Double Standard

A female tennis player might give
An umpire a piece of her mind
When she disagrees with him.
Consequently, she is fined

Or penalized in other ways.
However, if the player's a male,
He can spit, destroy his racket,
Yell, and viciously assail

The umpire at a tournament.
He could even resort to calling
The ump an "abortion," and little or nothing
Happens to him. Now THAT'S appalling!

A candid man might be considered
"Direct" or "outspoken." Isn't that rich?
But if you are an assertive women,
You are basically called a "bitch."

A man who loudly demonstrates
At a Senate hearing in an angry fashion
Could be considered "aggressive" or even
Be called a man of "impetuous passion."

A woman, however, who interrupts
A Senate hearing with passion hears
Herself being called "hysterical" when
She's led away to Senators' sneers.

Sexism? Discrimination?
Inequality? Status quo?
It certainly appears that way.
The double standard has got to go!

-by Bob B (9-11-18)

Monday, September 10, 2018

Simple But Deep*

The temple was swarming with total excitement.
Eagerly, the scholars awaited
The young priest's Dharma talk--
A day long anticipated.

The nervous priest stood before
The sangha as varied as the songs of the birds--
From simple folk to top-notch scholars,
There to scrutinize all of his words.

With a quivering voice, he started out.
After he felt more self-confidence,
He spoke as one who demonstrated
Compassion, knowledge, and commonsense.

After the service, a group of scholars
Stood in a cluster off to the side
And criticized the young priest's talk
With words arrogant and snide.

"So typical of a novice," they said.
"Shallow ideas." "Trivial thoughts."
"I didn't find it moving at all."
"Choppy and uneven in spots."

An elderly man heard their complaints
And asked, "What was so unclear?
The young priest said the Buddha's name.
That was all I needed to hear."

With that, he silently walked away,
Leaving them with a message so brief.
Speechless, they stared at the wise myokonin**
With a mixture of awe and disbelief.

-by Bob B (9-9-18)
*Based on an old Buddhist anecdote
**In the Shin Buddhist tradition, pious followers whose simple words represent the depth of their faith

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Confirming the Obvious

Recently, in the New York Times,
An op-ed essay has hit the press,
Thus causing the president
To send out vicious tweets in distress.

Claiming to be a senior White House
Official, the writer wants to let
The people know that even though
Trump is unhinged, not to fret.

Because Trump is ill-informed,
Impulsive, and given to constant lying,
He can't be trusted to handle the job,
Which to many is terrifying.

He's impetuous, adversarial,
Reckless, petty, and quick to revile.
Any good has happened DESPITE
And not BECAUSE of his leadership style.

The writer insists that our knowing
One special thing will lessen the gloom:
Even though Trump is a mess,
Luckily, there are "adults in the room."

Thwarting the president's misguided
Impulses is the task
Of these "adults," each of whom
Has to hide behind a mask.

To publish the piece anonymously
Some people feel is wrong.
But, hey, it only confirms something
That we have known all along.

-by Bob B (9-6-18)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Birds of Prey

Hawks are present. Perhaps you can't
See them all, but they are there--
Waiting for the perfect moment
To capture you, unaware.

You are told it has to do with
Needed management and control.
But know they long to tear you apart
Because they cannot swallow you whole.

Are they circling overhead?
Listen carefully; decipher their cries.
Despite what you are told to believe,
They want to rule the land and skies.

Always on the lookout for victims,
They tie power and strength to wealth.
They seek out the vulnerable.
Their strategy: attack by stealth.

While you earn your livelihood--
Working hard to make ends meet--
To them you are nothing but
A menu item--something to eat.

They can spot you from far away.
Your home's a fragile sanctuary.
Is your encounter part of a plan,
Or is it strictly arbitrary?

When they say, "Do not fear;
We're your friends." That's not true.
One false move and it's all over.
Certain things you can't undo.

It doesn't matter whether you
Are fast or slow, strong or frail,
Once they have you, say good-bye.
Your screams will be of no avail.

-by Bob B (8-4-18)

Monday, September 3, 2018


Some people call it karma;
Others just cause and effect.
One might also call it comeuppance:
What we sow, we will collect.

While many towering figures attended
The funeral of John McCain,
Trump was forced to watch from a distance.
A TV screen was safe terrain.

Without even hearing the president's
Name mentioned, anyone
Could hear in eulogies and speeches
The great damage that he has done.

We will rise above this, we hope.
We will survive direct assaults
On freedom and democracy.
We can grow and learn from our faults.

Don't worry, Mr. Trump.
One day you'll be invited
To something most don't want you to miss:
That's when you get indicted.

-by Bob B (9-3-18)