H.R. McMaster walks
out the door,
A hungry hawk
circles the White House.
Watch it dive; watch
it soar.
The hawk has a name:
John Bolton,
Conspiracy theorist
of long standing;
Reckless, far-right
In April the hawk
will be landing.
Bolton, who's openly
Preemptive nuclear
war with two
Countries--Iran and
North Korea--
Will glide in and
land on cue.
Once a leading
Of the war in Iraq,
Bolton, whose theory
Is war first,
diplomacy second,
Should cause the
rest of us to be leery.
Pushing military
And advocating
change of regime
Would only encourage
the president
To set in motion a
dangerous scheme.
In 2013, Bolton
Words that show
where his loyalties lie
As he hailed the new
era of freedom
In PUTIN's Russia!
What a guy!
So Bolton nested
near the president--
A man whose ego
couldn't be bigger,
Who doesn't follow
judicious advice
And has his finger
on the trigger--
Makes the whole
world feel uneasy.
How scary could
things get?
Prepare yourself for
turbulent times
Because you ain't
seen nothin' yet.
-by Bob B (3-23-18)