Friday, November 17, 2017

A Distant Neighbor

A neighboring star in our galaxy,
Only eleven light-years away--
Which really isn't that far if you
Listen to what astronomers say--

Is called Ross 128.
It's a red dwarf--one among many.
You might know about such stars.
Frankly, I hadn’t heard about any.

Red dwarf stars are stars that are
Very similar to that one--
They are smaller in mass, dimmer,
And live much longer than our Sun.

Orbiting Ross 128
Is Ross 128-b,
A planet that resembles Earth--
At least very possibly.

How amazing it is to wonder
When looking across the great expanse
Of the universe, if other forms
Of life exist! What's the chance?

Some astronomers are elated;
Others aren't, for it's not known
If the planet happens to lie
In what we call the habitable zone.

But if it does, and if it has
Intelligent beings, let's hope they're
More intelligent than we are,
Or they haven't got a prayer.

By the way, current technology
Could get you to the planet, but here's
The problem: the trip would take at least
One hundred forty-one thousand years!

(11-17-17) By Bob B