Thursday, August 24, 2017


Karma is a bitch, they say.
We still resist having to learn
That our missteps have negative
Results that will happen in turn.

Afghanistan, in 1919,
Drove out the British. A definite win
For the landlocked nation. Sixty years later--
In '79--the Russians moved in.

We armed extremists to fight the Russians.
Now, how could that strategy not
Be effective in the long run?
No skin off our teeth, we thought.

The Russians left. Our job was over.
Afghanistan was in disarray.
Our lack of support for a country in shambles
Surely helped to pave the way

For the Taliban to take control.
Anti-American sentiment grew.
The country became a terrorist haven.
It's useless for us to wish it weren't true.

For the past sixteen years American
Soldiers have fought an ongoing war
Against extremists throughout the country.
The consequences are hard to ignore.

We’ve been stuck in a vicious circle--
A deathly quagmire--a living hell.
To send more troops to a war we can't win
Is not an easy program to sell.

Have all avenues been considered?
Could the region ever be able
To find a peaceful solution by getting
All parties to come to the table?

We've gotten ourselves in a situation
Where little goes according to plan.
Must more people die or be injured
From fighting in Afghanistan?

(8-24-17) By Bob B