Saturday, May 20, 2017

If Your Birth Sign Is Gemini...(5-21 to 6-20)

Ideas and communication:
Both of those energize you.
Whatever stifles your self-expression
Can dangerously immobilize you.

For you there's always something new
And interesting to be explored.
Two of your biggest fears are
Both routine and being bored.

Your raison d'ĂȘtre could be
Your intellectual curiosity.
You could, on the other hand,
Exhibit an uncontrolled verbosity.

You devour information.
At multi-tasking you're number one.
But if you go too far, you'll be
A jack-of-all-trades but master of none.

Projects, errands, and meetings keep you
Occupied and on the go.
"Variety is the spice of life!"
Is stamped on your portfolio.

Wanting to know everything
About all others can be a plus;
But when other people want to know
All about you, don't make a fuss.

You're extremely adaptable
To changing ideas and situations.
When others can't keep up with you…
Well, that causes complications.

Slow down and keep in mind
That not everyone shares your ability
To store so much information
And thrive on natural versatility.

A constant need for a change of scene--
To which you hold strict adherence--
Keeps you moving. Just be sure
To cultivate perseverance.

Because of your mental dexterity,
It's easy for you to jump through hoops.
Because you're good at networking,
You are comfortable working with groups.

You often know what others are thinking,
And if you're more the extrovert,
At sales you are dynamite,
For you could sell a guy his own shirt.

If your focus is too much on
Mental stimulation, beware:
Others will think you're superficial--
That you are distant and do not care.

Always full of energy,
You're the social butterfly.
You still need time to yourself;
"Freedom!" is your battle cry.

Don't take on too many tasks
So that you leave them all unfinished.
Restlessness and nervousness
Can make you feel drained and diminished.

If you learn how to concentrate
On one thing at a time, you'll find
It's not that hard and helps you center
What could be a distracted mind.

Balancing the mind and feelings:
That's the biggest challenge you face.
Use your insight, wit, and charm
To make the world a better place.

(5-20-17) by Bob B