Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Why Do Good Samaritans Sometimes Have to Die?

Two men recently died from a clash
On a Portland light-rail train.
The two men lost their precious lives
For reasons so insane.

Someone, angry, confused, and deranged,
Entered the car and began
Assaulting two women verbally.
Obviously, the man

Was more than just a pesky nuisance,
For three passengers tried
To intervene because the rantings
And ravings wouldn't subside.

The white supremacist, Islamophobic
Madman yelled in a fury
That Muslims should die. The line between
Safety and danger was blurry.

The three heroes became the target
Of the reprobate.
He stabbed all three, but two of them died:
Victims of cruel hate.

One man was a former vet
And loving father of four;
The other a recent college grad,
Gone forevermore.

Even though we know the answer
We still ask ourselves why
It is that good Samaritans
Sometimes have to die.

(5-31-17) By Bob B

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Just Call It Fake News

If you don't like what you hear
And it's hard to reconcile
What your critics say about you
With your particular governing style,
Discredit your critics, call them dishonest,
Berate and revile them. It's no crime.
Say their news is fake. (We know
That some cults do it all the time.)

Just call it fake news.
Tell me, what have you got to lose?
Facts and truth are now passé;
Don't ever let them get in your way.

If your critics hit too close to home--
If they're on to your plans and schemes--
Finding a way to bash the media
Might be easier than it seems.
Get the public on your side;
Play the victim; whine and cry.
Yell, "Unfair treatment!" and you'll
Get their sympathy by and by.

Just call it fake news.
Tell me, what have you got to lose?
Facts and truth are now passé;
Don't ever let them get in your way.

If the scientific reports
Don't accord with what you think,
And the experts' findings and your
Jockeyed figures aren't in sync,
Make the public skeptical
Of scientific ideas, and then
You'll be able to sway the people
With your false "facts" again and again.

Make your own fake news.
Tell me, what have you got to lose?
Facts and truth are now passé;
Don't ever let them get in your way.

(5-30-17) By Bob B

Friday, May 26, 2017

Memorial Day, 2017

The Vietnam vet stares at the wide
Forty-two-inch TV screen.
Every so often he steals a glance
At an article in an old magazine.

He rolls his chair across the room
To look out the window. The sun is shining.
He hears a voice on the TV say,
"Every cloud has a silver lining."

Shaking his head, he wheels himself
Back across the room to see
What is going on in the world.
Elections? Storms? A shooting spree?

Memorial Day parades are occurring;
On gravestones wreaths are being laid.
On one channel hundreds of photos
Of fallen soldiers are being displayed.

Then he hears a news report:
More U.S. troops to Afghanistan.
He sits in quiet disbelief,
Listening to the news anchorman.

Looking down at his lifeless legs,
Again he can only shake his head.
His heart sinks, so he changes the channel
To watch another program instead.

The words, however, continue to haunt him
And echo through his war-weary brain:
"More troops…more troops…"
To Afghanistan? This is insane!

"How can so many commentators
Look and sound so unconcerned?"
He asks himself, over and over.
"In all these years, what have we learned?"

Depressed, he turns the TV off
And sits alone, lost in his thoughts,
His heart racing, his hands trembling,
His eyes tearing, his stomach in knots.

Only those in the battle zones
See what they'd never seen before--
Things that will surely haunt them forever--
The unspeakable horrors of war.

(5-26-17) By Bob B

Thursday, May 25, 2017

As Putin Pulls the Puppet Strings

As Putin pulls the puppet strings,
The marionettes all dance.
If the strings are hard to see,
Take another glance.

The marionettes think they are
Real people now.
They think their voices are their own.
They smile and take a bow.

But towering above them there,
The puppeteer controls
The actions of his little friends
And figures out their roles.

So in control of the strings in Russia,
Putin makes it clear:
Show resistance to him and you will
Die or disappear.

Heads of state and businessmen
In countries large and small,
Romp around on Putin's stage.
How he loves them all!

Do they know their puppeteer
Would just as soon combat them?
Don't they see that Putin's laughing
Not WITH or FOR but AT them?

(5-25-17) By Bob B

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Death of Richard Collins III

Bowie State University
Student, Richard Collins III,
Commissioned as a second lieutenant,
Will not graduate. Have you heard?

On the path to serving his nation
In many more ways than one,
Collins' life was quickly ended.
Another mother lost her son.

Standing with friends, minding his business,
Collins--as witnesses will attest--
Was stabbed by a homegrown, racist terrorist--
Stabbed directly in the chest.

Who was the killer? Sean Urbanski,
A current student at UMD,
Also a member of Alt-Reich: Nation,
A truth of a painful reality.

Emboldened by white supremacists
Working in the White House, no less,
Racist groups are on the rise,
Spreading their loathsome hatefulness.

They say that Collins was brutally murdered
Because of the color of his skin.
He was murdered because of hatred,
For hatred is racism's twin.

Resist the scourge of discrimination.
Mobilize--it's never too late--
To extirpate ALL forms
Of ugly, white-supremacist hate.

(5-23-17) By Bob B

Sunday, May 21, 2017

On Leg Number One

To distract public attention from
Ongoing investigations,
Trump is on an overseas trip
Cementing international relations.

First stop: Saudi Arabia,
Where President Trump stamped his seal
On a one-hundred-ten-billion-
Dollar war weapons deal--

A deal great for jobs, they say,
And a death blow to the mujahideen.
Basically, it's a huge boost
To the mighty, monstrous war machine.

War crime violations continue
As Saudi bombs frequently strike
Hospitals and markets in Yemen
Causing the number of deaths to spike--

Deaths of innocent civilians including
Children. Children! What's going on?
Jobs so that the war monger
Conductor can wave his deadly baton?

We turn our heads when the Saudis commit
Domestic abuses and NOT in small scale--
While they carry out mass executions
And put women drivers in jail.

No, this isn't the first "deal."
Such deals have happened before.
Money is often the siren luring
Humankind to weapons and war.

This to Trump is a great plus
So he can proudly play the hero.
If anyone is keeping score:
Trump one; humanity zero.

(5-21-17) By Bob B

Saturday, May 20, 2017

If Your Birth Sign Is Gemini...(5-21 to 6-20)

Ideas and communication:
Both of those energize you.
Whatever stifles your self-expression
Can dangerously immobilize you.

For you there's always something new
And interesting to be explored.
Two of your biggest fears are
Both routine and being bored.

Your raison d'être could be
Your intellectual curiosity.
You could, on the other hand,
Exhibit an uncontrolled verbosity.

You devour information.
At multi-tasking you're number one.
But if you go too far, you'll be
A jack-of-all-trades but master of none.

Projects, errands, and meetings keep you
Occupied and on the go.
"Variety is the spice of life!"
Is stamped on your portfolio.

Wanting to know everything
About all others can be a plus;
But when other people want to know
All about you, don't make a fuss.

You're extremely adaptable
To changing ideas and situations.
When others can't keep up with you…
Well, that causes complications.

Slow down and keep in mind
That not everyone shares your ability
To store so much information
And thrive on natural versatility.

A constant need for a change of scene--
To which you hold strict adherence--
Keeps you moving. Just be sure
To cultivate perseverance.

Because of your mental dexterity,
It's easy for you to jump through hoops.
Because you're good at networking,
You are comfortable working with groups.

You often know what others are thinking,
And if you're more the extrovert,
At sales you are dynamite,
For you could sell a guy his own shirt.

If your focus is too much on
Mental stimulation, beware:
Others will think you're superficial--
That you are distant and do not care.

Always full of energy,
You're the social butterfly.
You still need time to yourself;
"Freedom!" is your battle cry.

Don't take on too many tasks
So that you leave them all unfinished.
Restlessness and nervousness
Can make you feel drained and diminished.

If you learn how to concentrate
On one thing at a time, you'll find
It's not that hard and helps you center
What could be a distracted mind.

Balancing the mind and feelings:
That's the biggest challenge you face.
Use your insight, wit, and charm
To make the world a better place.

(5-20-17) by Bob B

Friday, May 12, 2017

River of Lies

A river of lies flows from the White House.
Watch as the river widens each day.
Watch as it gains speed and momentum
And all credibility flows away.

The reasons for firing James Comey,
FBI Director, are scattered:
Because of Comey's treatment of Clinton's
Emails? Really, as if that mattered.

Then it was a DoJ
Suggestion that Trump was acting upon,
Adding another story to the
Great pretense phenomenon.

Next in an interview,
Trump sang another song--
That he had really wanted to fire
James Comey all along.

A man whom Trump had praised in the past
Was simply a "showboat," a "grandstander,"
Who'd lost control of the FBI.
Watch the river of lies meander.

We have heard a different story
Having to do with loyalty--
That Comey was fired because he wouldn't
Bow down before the royalty.

Just mention "Putin," "Russia," "hacking,"
"Collusion," and yes, "investigation,"
And the "You're fired!" president
Acts out of desperation.

Has Trump considered telling the truth?
He and his team should give it a try.
If they are going to make up stories,
At least they ought to stick to one lie.

(5-12-17) by Bob B

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Big Swindle

House Republicans just couldn't wait
To annihilate Obamacare.
They swindled the American people,
And now the louses are walking on air.

They've rushed through a disastrous bill
With no hearings and no score.
The message they are sending out
Is one that's difficult to ignore.

Denying essential benefits
Now would be up to the state.
Older Americans also could be
Charged a much higher rate.

The plan for people with pre-existing
Conditions? The cutthroat Republicans gored it.
According to them, you'll be covered.
If, that is, you can afford it!

Millions would lose their health insurance,
But our leaders care not a jot.
That Medicaid would be gutted,
They didn't give a second thought.

Minimum requirements
Won't be a priority.
Those with excellent coverage
Will be in the minority.

The plan is NOT a health care plan.
Listen to their sales pitch.
What it all boils down to is
A huge tax break for the rich.

After voting on a bill
That screws millions of people, they
Had a victory celebration--
A nauseating, sickening soirée.

If this is the best that they can do
To make our lives better, let the truth
Mercilessly come back to haunt them
Next time in the voting booth.

(5-5-17) By Bob B

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Praising the Unpraiseworthy

You can tell a lot about
A person by the ones he admires.
Another telling factor is
The people whom he inspires.

Donald Trump, for example,
Praises Putin, a leader who
Has jailed dissenters, squashed human rights,
And done away with opponents, too.

After a questionable referendum,
Which restricts in many ways
Civil rights, the leader of Turkey,
Erdoğan, received Trump's praise.

Duterte of the Philippines--
Authoritarian and leading official--
Has had thousands of people killed
In a manner blatantly extrajudicial.

So that's his way of solving the problem
Of drugs in the Philippines is it?
And guess who wants the blood-thirsty,
Despotic leader to come for a visit?

And then there's the leader of North Korea,
Kim Jong Un. Only a rookie
Would say that the mad, unhinged and murderous
Leader was a "pretty smart cookie."

Trump's had business ties with three
Of the above countries. There's no mistaking.
But does this mean that a Trump Tower
In Pyongyang is in the making?

(5-3-17) By Bob B