Wednesday, April 5, 2017

What a Trip!

What a trip! Have you ever
Had a capsule endoscopy?
The prepping procedure's exactly what
You do for a colonoscopy.

It's SO much fun! Of course, I don't
Have to say I'm being sarcastic.
The feeling of peeing out one's rear
Isn't a feeling I'd call fantastic.

After the prep, it's all downhill.
A pill-like camera is ingested--
One that travels through the body,
Basically unmolested.

Wires taped to your body
Connect to a monitor, which will record
The camera's journey through your system.
"Everybody, hop on board!

"After the throat, we take a plunge
Down the esophagus. Hurray!
We're now in an empty stomach.
There's no food to get in the way.

"Watch out for those dangerous acids,
Which ask, 'What is this to digest?'
To them a camera passing through
Is NOT a very welcome guest.

"Next stop: the duodenum.
Here we go around the bend.
We still have a ways to go
Before our adventure nears its end.

"The long trek through the small intestine
Is a windy, curvy path
Five to seven meters long.
How many feet? You do the math.

"Say hi to Mr. Appendix
As we leisurely pass him by.
He's not the most appreciated
Part of the human body. Poor guy.

"As we traverse the colon we
Realize the end's in sight.
How refreshing to know that at
The end of the tunnel, there's a light!

"We hope the journey was a safe one
With NO dangers or major surprises.
The prep indeed was the worst part of all,
But life is full of compromises."

What happens to the capsule next
I'll leave to your imagination.
If everything comes out as planned,
That'll be cause for celebration.

(4-4-17) By Bob B