Much of America is
mourning still--
Mourning the light
extinguished when
embraced false promise;
Mourning the loss of
what could have been;
Mourning the hope of
a glorious day
Darkened by a cloud
of despair
And sincere
Became replaced by
vanity fair;
Mourning the loss of
a heart that beat
For all and not for a limited few,
And coarseness
received people's praise,
And true refinement
became taboo;
Mourning a dream of
With all-embracing
open arms
When a nightmare
smothered it
And drowned out
warnings and alarms;
Mourning the flower
of optimism
With hope in every
opening bud
When weeds with
thorns of cynicism
Flourished, and hope
was dripping in blood;
Mourning the renewed
freshness of spring
And the calm peace
of a summer's night,
Ravished by winds of
And the bitter
harshness of winter's blight.
Much of America is
mourning still.
The grief will end
one day. Till then,
We all move forward
while many continue
To mourn the loss of
what could have been.
(11-25-16) By Bob B