Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Poor Winner

Trump continues his ongoing tirade
With baseless claims of voter fraud.
The more he rants and raves the more
We can all see through his façade.

He's what you call a "poor winner."
How easy it is to get his goat!
He just cannot stand the thought
That Clinton won the popular vote.

Demonizing the media therefore
Preoccupies Trump and his team.
Dumbing down the American public
Will be for them a constant theme.

The claims of voter fraud are only
An excuse to suppress voting rights--
An issue which must be added to
Our growing list of ongoing fights.

If we are not vigilant,
If instead we turn a blind eye
To what is really happening here,
Kiss democracy good-by.

(11-29-16) By Bob B

Monday, November 28, 2016

Mr. Tweet-a-lot

Give a man a Twitter account
And watch him tweet to his heart's content--
A dangerous thing for a gullible audience
And a misinformed president.

Passing on intelligence briefings
And getting his info from "Morning Joe"
And conspiracy theory websites is how
Trump shows that he's in the know.

Will we see obnoxious tweets
Day after day from him?
Will somebody please take that man's
Twitter account away from him?

(11-28-16) By Bob B

Friday, November 25, 2016

Mourning -- End of November 2016

Much of America is mourning still--
Mourning the light extinguished when
Heedlessness embraced false promise;
Mourning the loss of what could have been;

Mourning the hope of a glorious day
Darkened by a cloud of despair
And sincere interconnectedness
Became replaced by vanity fair;

Mourning the loss of a heart that beat
For all and not for a limited few,
And coarseness received people's praise,
And true refinement became taboo;

Mourning a dream of inclusiveness
With all-embracing open arms
When a nightmare smothered it
And drowned out warnings and alarms;

Mourning the flower of optimism
With hope in every opening bud
When weeds with thorns of cynicism 
Flourished, and hope was dripping in blood;

Mourning the renewed freshness of spring
And the calm peace of a summer's night,
Ravished by winds of uncertainty
And the bitter harshness of winter's blight.

Much of America is mourning still.
The grief will end one day. Till then,
We all move forward while many continue
To mourn the loss of what could have been.

(11-25-16) By Bob B

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Conflict of Interest?

Trump understands neither
The office of the president nor
The Constitution of the U.S.
(Has he ever read it before?)

The office has its precedents,
And the Constitution has provisions
To discourage public officials from taking
Favors and making corrupt decisions.

Trump fails to understand why
The country's Mr. Number One
Cannot serve the American people
From the office where his business is run.

Elected officials cannot benefit
From foreign states in the least.
With Trump's investments worldwide,
His palm can't help but be greased.

He says the U.S. president
Can have no conflict of interest. Okay.
That sounds exactly like
Something only a dictator would say.

(11-24-16) By Bob B

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

If Your Birth Sign Is Sagittarius...

You tend to be independent.
Whenever people try to pin
You down, they meet resistance, for
Your motto is: Don't fence me in.

Life must constantly stimulate
Your intellectual curiosity.
A non-challenging situation
Causes you to lose velocity.

You love to learn things on your own
And when you travel, you're at your best.
But don't push yourself too hard;
Give your body and mind a rest.

Going overboard can be
A problem since you're such a go-getter.
You have to learn the hard way at times
That MORE is not always better.

You can be talkative
And sometimes overly loquacious.
You like to give your honest opinion,
But using tact proves efficacious.

Prudence for some Sagittarians
Is a difficult trait to acquire,
And some resort to miserliness
When their good intentions misfire.

Gregarious and enthusiastic,
You love others for what they are.
When it comes to working with people,
You know how to set the bar.

You seek higher spiritual growth,
Advanced achievements, greater prosperity,
And higher aesthetic appreciation;
You don't do well with austerity.

Do not let restlessness
And carelessness overtake you.
Becoming too spiritual
And out of touch could possibly break you.

Maximum enjoyment from
Good things in life is one of your goals.
Being the great adventurer
Can also be one of your roles.

Since you are a natural gambler,
Show restraint with cards and dice.
Tending to be extravagant,
You'll often have to pay the price.

You're at home in many places,
Since you easily adapt to change.
When your enthusiasm is stifled
Is when you feel awkward and strange.

Always ready for a challenge,
You face life with arms open wide.
Just be careful: other people
Can't always keep up with your stride.

(11-23-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Disturbing Signs

Feeling empowered by president-elect
Trump, racist groups are emerging,
While in the past couple weeks
The number of hate crimes has been surging.

Over the past weekend a group
Celebrated the recent election
With Richard Spencer giving a speech
That shows the group's true complexion.

Spencer, current leader of
The National Policy Institute,
Ended his speech with "Hail, Trump!"
While listeners gave the Nazi salute.

The speech, referring to a "great struggle"
Of the white race--"people of the sun"--
Was full of white ethnocentric
Jargon, boldly and hatefully spun.

Sounding like Hitler in MEIN KAMPF,
Spencer is one who advocates
Ethnic cleansing all across
Europe and the United States.

Groups once on the fringe now feel
That Trump and Steve Bannon provide
A platform for them to spread their hate
And bigotry nationwide.

Unless Trump speaks out and condemns
Hate groups using his name to spread
Their racist messages, then this country
Faces scary times ahead.

(11-22-16) By Bob B

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Nightmare Team

As he assembles his team, Trump
Is as extreme as extreme could be,
Surrounding himself with controversy
In practically every nominee.

General Flynn, whose hothead ideas
And out-of-the-mainstream policies reflect
An extreme anti-Muslim stance,
Is very dangerous if he's unchecked.

Stephen Bannon with his alt-right
Scary white-supremacist ties
And wacky conspiracy theory ideas
Is someone that people of conscience despise.

Jeff Sessions was deemed too racist
In 1986 and so
Say good-bye to advances made
In civil rights since long ago.

And then there's Jared Kushner. When
Trump wants advice, he's there. Ta da!
Who is going to be running this country--
Donald Trump or his son-in-law?

It's hard to believe that in these times
Our civil rights would be under attack.
The people won't allow a team
Of political hacks to turn the clock back.

If Trump and his team go unrestrained
And no wise heads intervene,
They will ignite civil unrest,
The likes of which we've never seen.

(11-19-16) By Bob B

Friday, November 18, 2016

Oh, the Rallies!

Instead of dealing with real issues,
Trump wants the adulation
Of crowds of supporters at huge rallies
Continuing across the nation.

Obviously, he loves the spotlight.
The praise of the crowds turns him on
And brings a smile to a face
That's usually wan or woebegone.

The instant gratification he gets
From faithful fans and cheering crowds
Strokes his huge, overblown ego
And lets him keep his head in the clouds.

Smitten with the fervent applause
From fawning masses, loyal and true,
Trump beams. But let's not forget:
Hitler loved HIS rallies, too.

(11-18-16) By Bob B

Thursday, November 17, 2016

What? Give Him a Chance?

Give him a chance, people say.
Give Trump a chance; let go of fears.
The SAME chance Republicans gave
President Obama for the last eight years?

From the beginning Republicans
In Congress superciliously vowed
That President Obama would serve
Only one term. They felt so proud.

Pushing their petty partisan agenda
And blocking proposals with all their might,
They perfected the art of obstruction
And did it with insidious delight.

Calling the president a liar
And his birth certificate a fraud,
They displayed contempt for their leader
With reasoning that was greatly flawed.

It's dereliction of duty when
Republicans, the Party of NO,
Refuse to confirm a Supreme Court justice
With all their lame excuses in tow.

Flouting the very institutions
That normally make a democracy succeed,
Unethical members of Congress have
Only made our democracy bleed.

Their mindless obstruction, along with their
Unprecedented disrespect,
Is partly why we have a populist
Demagogue as president-elect.

NOW they say to give the next
President the respect that is due.
It doesn't work that way; they can't
Have their cake and eat it, too.

(11-17-16) By Bob B

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Comic Relief

Life can be too funny for words.
Ben Carson is a prime example.
Opportunities to assume a position
In Trump's future Cabinet were ample.

Not wanting to "cripple the presidency,"
Carson rejected the offer. Good grief!
He'd campaigned to BE the president!
I'm glad he offers such comic relief.

What's so amazing is this man who thinks
The pyramids housed Egyptian grain
Was actually at one time allowed
To operate on someone's brain.

(11-15-16) By Bob B

Tell Them, "Hands Off!"

Medicare and Social Security
Again are coming under attack.
Don't give Republicans
Who mess with the programs any slack.

Earned benefits are exactly
What most Americans want to preserve.
Whenever lamebrained politicians
Threaten them, they touch a nerve.

Fight, people; fight to keep
Necessary programs strong.
Don't let manipulating
Schemers con you and string you along.

When they blather on about vouchers,
Privatization and major cuts,
Tell them to take their vouchers and all
And stuff them up their you-know-whats!

(11-15-16) By Bob B

Monday, November 14, 2016

Howling at the Moon

Trump just doesn't understand
Why some people are so upset
That he was elected president.
But there is one thing he mustn't forget:

More voted AGAINST him than FOR him;
He didn't win the popular vote.
Thus, he didn't receive a mandate
And doesn't deserve the right to gloat.

Wrapped in smugness, he doesn't see
The reason people protest the election.
A person who spewed so much hatred won!
THAT is the cause of people's objection.

He also fails to grasp why supporters
Commit violent acts in his name.
After he started a fire of bigotry,
Others continue to fan the flame.

Conveniently, he overlooks
The fact that his ugly campaign
Singled out scapegoats, and caused  a flurry
Of blame and attacks hard to restrain.

It doesn't work to claim innocence.
It doesn't work to feign surprise.
After a campaign trail of untruths,
We'd like to see him dispense with his lies.

If he plans to be president for all
He's going to have to change his tune
And stop barking up the wrong tree--
Stop howling at the moon.

(11-14-16) By Bob B

Who Will Be Running the Country?

A conflict of interest is one thing to call it.
Trump has picked his transition team
To help him decide on who will fill
Positions in his future regime.

The team includes three of his kids
And his son-in-law to call the shots.
In short, the ones running his business
Decide who'll fill government slots.

Hmm. Very suspicious, no?
Who is running the country? you ask.
The Trump Dynasty has
Obviously assumed the task.

(11-14-16) By Bob B

Saturday, November 12, 2016

How to Win an Election

How to win an election…
It's really simple these days.
Some would call it an art.
Let us count the ways.

One. Forget the truth.
Fill your speeches with lies.
Focusing on facts
Would probably be unwise.

Two. Find a scapegoat
Or two or three or four.
If that's not enough,
You can always find more.

Three. Social media
For spreading disinformation
Will easily hurt your
Opponent's reputation.

Four. Spread doubt,
Uncertainty and fear
In the minds of the people.
Smear, smear, smear!

Five. Hateful rhetoric
Will help further your cause.
Poke fun at violence.
Thumb your nose at the laws.

Six. Be certain
To run a bad faith campaign.
Admitting any fault
Should go against the grain.

Seven. Welcome support
From groups super extreme.
Bring some nativist members
Into your campaign team.

Eight. Find ways
To further vilify
Your opponent with
Help from the FBI.

Nine. Don't be afraid
To get some outside support.
Russia is--for instance--
A country you could court.

Ten. Blame the media
For everything that's wrong.
Accuse them with the obnoxious
"Biased" and "liberal" song.

There you have it. It's easy.
If your numbers lag,
Follow these rules and you
Have it in the bag.

(11-12-16) By Bob B

Thursday, November 10, 2016

"Not My President!"

"Not my president!"
The protesters incant
As they take to the streets.
We hear them loudly chant,

"Not my president!"
In cities nationwide
Their voices all in unison
Become amplified.

"Not my president!"
The marchers hold in disdain
Recent election results.
The ongoing refrain

"Not my president!"
Echoes across the nation,
As demonstrators express
Their cries of protestation.

"Not my president!"
What makes democracy great
Is we have the right to vote
And the right to demonstrate.

(11-10-16) By Bob B

Change of Tune

Trump often gets caught in a trap
And says he didn't say this or that.
We all know that he is certainly
Not a verbal acrobat.

"The Electoral College is a disaster
For a democracy," Trump has stated.
Getting rid of such a system
Is a proposal he advocated.

Now that he is president-elect,
I wonder if he still sings the same notes--
Now that opponent Hillary Clinton
Has won the majority of popular votes.

(11-10-16) By Bob B

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Art of Rigging Elections

If Trump says the election is rigged,
That's exactly what he's doing.
Turn on the news and every day
You'll see what kind of nonsense is brewing.

Whining that the election is rigged
Was his first major ploy.
People hear his repeated lie
And pity the poor little whipping boy.

Constantly blasting the media is
Another tactic he often uses.
He'll have so many people to blame
If Hillary wins and he loses.

He lied about a Clinton indictment
To scare the voters into thinking
That they ought to vote for him
When his numbers appeared to be shrinking.

Telling people to call a number
If they want to change their vote
Was another obnoxious way
To perpetrate doubt. Voters take note!

So Hillary's in the NATIONAL INQUIRER?
We know the sneaky message that sends.
The CEO of the tabloid and Trump
Both happen to be good friends.

Telling people to vote twice
Or having them "watch" at polling places?
I can't believe he thinks that such
Actions will put him in our good graces.

And what about the FBI
And their mysterious Clinton leaks?
Ask Trump's friend Giuliani;
I don't know, but something reeks.

As much he wants to whine and complain,
On rigged elections, Trump wrote the book.
And yet he has the audacity
To call Hillary Clinton a crook!

(11-5-16) By Bob B

Friday, November 4, 2016

Talk About an Abomination!

A Catholic church in San Diego
Distributed a flyer to tell
Parishioners NOT to vote for Democrats
Or else they will go to hell!

Such a parish is using the Church
As a political apparatus.
And yet you can be sure that it
Expects to receive tax-exempt status.

For such deplorable manipulation
People of conscience have no use.
This ISN'T religious liberty;
Instead, it amounts to religious abuse.

(11-4-16) By Bob B

Disturbing to Say the Least

The FBI has a faction
That's bordering on insurrection
As it tries hard to influence
The current presidential election.

One member even reported,
"This is Trumpland." Not very smart.
There clearly are some scoundrels here
Trying to upset the applecart.

Basing their findings on a sham book,
They're leaking "secret" information.
Politics shouldn't eclipse their main
Task, which is investigation.

Members of the FBI
Can vote for anybody they please.
However, they have to be very careful
Not to misuse their expertise.

I guess in any organization
You'll find some who abuse their positions.
An independent agency,
The FBI must heed admonitions.

(11-4-16) By Bob B

Thursday, November 3, 2016


FBI Director Comey
Pulled his own "October surprise"--
A move that both the right and the left
Have stepped forward to criticize.

Within a period of sixty days
Before an election the FBI
Mustn't interfere so that
Election results don't go awry.

Comey's irresponsible move
To stir up innuendo and doubt
Regarding Clinton makes us wonder
What the man is all about.

Suspicious actions on Comey's part
Give us reasons to upbraid him.
Some people have even wondered
If and how much Trump had paid him.

(11-3-16) By Bob B

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween 1950-Something

Halloween was always one of my
Favorite nights of the year,
Although the waiting was torturous
As the date drew near.

What to wear? was always the question.
Not rich enough to be trendy,
We always had makeshift costumes,
And Dad would always pretend he

Didn't have enough money
To spend on fancy treats.
"Besides," he said, "my theory
Is basically sweets are sweets."

We didn't have Darth Vader back then;
Kids were pirates and cats,
Skeletons, hobos, cowboys and Indians,
Devils, witches, and bats.

Mummies, scarecrows, fairies, clowns--
Whatever we could devise.
Many kids were simply ghosts
In sheets with holes for eyes.

Ah, the treats: chocolate coins,
Cookies, Milky Ways,
Popcorn balls, candy corn,
Necco Wafers for days,

Abba-Zabas, Tootsie Rolls,
Bubble gum cigars,
Licorice, Candy cigarettes,
And Snickers candy bars.

We got Double Bubble in packs,
Taffy, Cup-O-Gold,
Jujyfruits, M&M's--
A mountain of treats all told.

The experts had TWO costumes
And hit the neighborhood twice,
As if one giant bag of candy
Was never going to suffice.

Back at home we'd pour out our candy,
And then the bartering started.
Since I had two older brothers,
I was usually outsmarted.

Mom and Dad let us monitor
Our own candy stash,
And we survived the candy feast
Without a sugar crash.

Until I was fourteen years of age,
I'd never had a cavity,
Despite living in Candyland
In utter sugar depravity.

But, oh, those nights, those Halloween nights
Back when I was a kid!
How I survived all that sugar!
But, hey, somehow I did.

(11-1-16; 10-18-18) By Bob B