Friday, October 21, 2016

He Blew It!

The final presidential debate:
At the beginning Trump tried
To act "presidential," but
The guy just can't be dignified.

It didn't take long for his
True colors to reappear,
Showing us the general lack of
Substance under his thin veneer.

"The election," he blathered on and on,
"Is rigged." But the thing that's odd
Is voter suppression is much more
A problem than voter fraud.

He vowed to refuse to accept the outcome
If Hillary Clinton wins the election.
I'm sure many Republicans
Winced when they heard his rejection.

Trump uses democracy
To make his millions. Check his dossier.
But then he thumbs his nose at it
When things don't happen to go his way.

"Such a nasty woman," he said,
Referring to Clinton. Way to go.
If he's trying to score some points,
That's NOT the way to do it, you know.

Yes, Clinton sidestepped some questions,
But Trump sidestepped more than a few.
However, he's been doing that for months.
Again we say, "What else is new?"

We really need for president
A person who has self-control.
Go on, Trump, keep on digging.
Good luck climbing out of this hole.

(10-21-16) By Bob B