The crowds cheered while the candidate beamed,
Drunk with increasing popularity.
For inexplicable reasons they managed
To overlook his occasional vulgarity.
In primaries and caucuses,
He viciously tromped on his competition,
Which stumped every pundit and critic
And baffled each astounded logician.
Though stern and surly, the cunning man
Possessed the gift of idle chatter.
But to the raucous, banner-waving,
Forgiving mobs that didn't matter.
He proudly repeated his campaign slogan:
"Let's make America great again!"--
The subtext of which really said,
"Let's make America HATE again!"
When golden guile parades as truth
And gullible crowds kowtow, just watch:
Compassion and justice take a dive
And hope for humanity drops a notch.
(2-24-16) By Bob B