The loathsome founder of the Westboro
Baptist Church
For over a year now has been pushing up
You’d think that the church might have
lost some of its vitriol.
But alas, the organization is still
full of crazies.
The new target: the funeral of Reverend
Who founded the Crystal Cathedral in
southern Cal.
Try as they might to spread their
malicious agenda,
The hateful group won't dampen the
family's morale.
The Westboro protesters love to picket
Their focus always revolves around
hatred and sin.
Since Schuller's message was one of
love and tolerance,
The renegade group sees the devil
Pity hatemongers who live such
miserable lives--
Whose existence centers on anger,
ignorance and fear.
They've twisted religion and made an
ugly monster
That feeds on beliefs that are
heartless, cold, and severe.
(4-8-15) By Bob B