Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Supporting Ukraine

Putin's year-long war continues

To batter Ukraine--to kill, to destroy.

The autocrat's reasons for being there

Are definitely a political ploy.


Killing civilians while also attacking

Ukraine's infrastructure as well,

The Russians are bent on total destruction.

Where this will go is hard to foretell.


And Russian sympathizers here

Join in with Putin's sing-a-long.

Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis,

Claims that Putin's done nothing wrong!


Who can tell where DeSantis gets

His false information and mistaken views?

Probably from too many incorrect

Podcasts and also from watching Fox News.


While Russia ramps up its fierce attacks,

Ukraine will fight to the bitter end.

Here's a reminder for those who've forgotten:

Putin, folks, is NOT our friend.


We pledged our support for Ukraine, and so

For the sake of freedom, we MUST follow through.

Condoning Putin's atrocities

Would certainly be the wrong thing to do.

-by Bob B (2-21-23)

Monday, February 20, 2023

Truth and Illusion

George and Martha°--what a couple!--

Blurring the lines between truth and illusion,

Undoubtedly aided, of course, by the booze

Which loosens their tongues as they drink in profusion.


Attacking, needling, going for the jugular--

Oh, the vicious games they play,

Going at each other, and also pulling

Other people into the fray.


Must truth and illusion be so hard

To distinguish between and cause despair?

Do we rely on illusion when

Facing the truth is so hard to bear?


How destructive that can be!

It's obvious that things will go bad,

And we can relate to Martha's words:

"George and Martha: sad, sad, sad."


The truth is there if we dare to seek it.

It isn't something we ought to eschew.

Are you afraid of Virginia Woolf?

If so, then you should know what to do.

-by Bob B (2-20-23)

°From Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?