Wednesday, March 27, 2019

They're at It Again!

Okay, now they're at it again!
Yep, and they aren't fooling.
Trump and some Republican friends
Are in support of a ruling

To take away the health care from
Twenty-one million souls.
Destroying the ACA° has been
One of their loathsome goals.

Do you have a pre-existing
Condition? If that's true,
Finding affordable health care is
Going to be hard to do.

Dependents under twenty-six
Who up to this point can
Be covered on your policy will
Be kicked off your plan.

Are you perhaps on Medicare?
Well, congratulations!
You are going to have to pay
More for medications!

To roll back Medicaid expansion
In thirty-seven states
Means that millions of people are going
To be in desperate straits.

Did you hear that Trump has said--
Such hypocrisy!--
The real party of health care is going
To be the GOP?

He claims he loves America!
It really seems as if
Republicans don't care that he
Is leading them over a cliff.

-by Bob B (3-27-19)

°Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

"Vengeance Is Mine!"

"Vengeance is mine!" says Donald Trump.
When he strikes out, he thinks for sure he
Will make his critics cringe and cower,
For they'll be met with "fire and fury."

He expects apologies
From all who tried to "bring him down."
"No Obstruction" he says in a tweet--
Capitalizing a common noun.

"I have been exonerated!"
He says to the world, although it's not true.
But when has truth ever been
Essential from Trump's point of view?

Poor Trumpy just doesn't see
That when you lie, you raise suspicions.
Concerned people have looked for answers
Despite the president's admonitions.

When one lie after another is told,
People don't know what to believe.
It seems the Trumpian motto is
"To get ahead, lie and deceive."

If he were the only one lying then we
Could say, "Well, that's par for the course."
But when surrogates back up his stories,
Deception's become a tour de force.

Were there any apologies
For TEN Benghazi investigations,
None of which proved that there
Were any criminal violations?

If we weren’t constantly barraged
With lies and cover-ups, we could
Move ahead and find some ways
To benefit the common good.

Now watch how Trump behaves at rallies.
He'll find ways to weaponize
The Mueller Report. Ready, set,
Go! Ah, here come more lies!

-by Bob B (3-26-19)

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Putin signed a bill into law--
Another bill that will surely curtail
Freedom of speech, for violators
Could very likely end up in jail.

This is the most recent attempt
To stifle the freedom of thought and expression.
For years, such autocratic
Control has been Putin's obsession.

They say that it's an effort to make
Fake news disappear,
Although "fake news" is anything that
The government doesn't want to hear.

This is what it basically means:
Russia will not tolerate
Criticism of Vladimir Putin
Or "disrespect" of the Russian state.

Of course, that's just attacks on Russia.
Everything else remains the same.
Russian attempts to tamper with
Elections here will be fair game.

So American democracy
And institutions remain under threat
While Russian troll farms and Russian bots
Keep on flooding the Internet.

Will Trump speak out, or will he stay silent?
We hear how often he defends
Autocrats, and to hear him speak,
Putin and he are the best of friends.

-by Bob B (3-20-19)

Monday, March 18, 2019

On the Rise

As Trump speaks from his bully pulpit,
Spreading more nonsense and lies,
White nationalist violence is
Definitely on the rise.

He may downplay atrocious behavior
And overlook figures and facts,
But other leaders feel that they're given
The right to commit egregious acts.

Listen to the president's words.
It isn't hard to see where he stands.
If fans don't get their way, he says,
They'll take matters into their own hands.

We know when Trump gives a command
In code or directly, some will jump.
He claims he has support from police,
The military, and Bikers for Trump.

Immigrants are "invading" our country;
Rough up hecklers. Those words are his.
He may claim he's not a racist,
But white nationalists THINK he is.

-by Bob B (3-18-19)

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Is There a Last Straw?

America has no monopoly
On white nationalism and hate,
Which the recent shootings in
The mosques in New Zealand demonstrate.

Men, women, and children were slaughtered
While praying on a holy day
When a deranged hater decided
Their lives were his to take away.

It doesn't help when Trump comes off
Sounding like an Islamophobe.
To see evidence of that
Doesn't require a Mueller probe.

Calling for a Muslim ban
During his campaign, he sought
To gain support by stoking fears
And HE knows how to stir the pot.

His vitriol continues as he
Calls asylum seekers invaders
And stone-cold criminals, thereby
Inciting his abhorrent crusaders.

Use fear and what happens?
The consequences prove to be dire.
We see what kinds of maniacs
That vile and odious words inspire--

Maniacs filled with anger,
Malice, bitterness, and spite,
Who think it is a privilege
And special honor to be white.

We all have a duty: we must
Use our vote to shut off the spigots
Of extremism and hatefulness--
To stop electing hateful bigots.

The world grieves as innocent people
Lose their lives while at prayer.
Terrorists want us to think
That we aren't safe anywhere.

Offering sympathy is fine,
But frankly, inaction has its flaws.
Instead of requesting thoughts and prayers,
New Zealanders will change gun laws.

-by Bob B (3-16-19)

Friday, March 8, 2019

Nancy's Smile: Remembering a Friend

When Nancy smiled, the world smiled.
There is naught that can erase
Her smile that's etched into my heart--
A smile that brightly lit up her face.

Think of a lustrous beam of light
That blissfully penetrates
A pitch-black night or darkest gloom--
That rapturously radiates.

Such a beam was Nancy's charm;
Such a beam was Nancy's smile.
How I envy her effortless laugh,
Her quick wit, her perky style!

Three daughters left behind
Inherited their mother's charming
Traits: her wit, her zest for life,
Her smile so radiant and disarming.

More than once Nancy faced
Close calls but vanquished death.
While paying one more visit, the thief
Absconded with her final breath.

I hope that when my end draws near,
I can be as calm, as brave.
I hope that I can take with me
Her beautiful smile to my grave.

-by Bob B (3-8-19)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Big One

California--earthquake country--
Faces a threat that's true:
A massive quake we call the Big One
Is LONG overdue.

We must face the facts, and here
Is something to think about:
California's experiencing
A so-called "earthquake drought."

The southernmost stretch of the San Andreas
Fault--it appears--
Hasn't had a major rupture
For 340 years!

When it happens--man o man!--
We'll be rocking and rolling.
Even though we're better prepared,
That's not too consoling.

The ground will shake, overpasses
And bridges may collapse,
And houses can slide off their foundations
As the seconds elapse.

Walls will crack, chimneys will topple,
Dishes will crash on the floor.
We will see a mess such as
We've never seen before.

Knick-knacks will fly off the shelves.
What else? It's hard to tell,
But bookcases and curio cabinets
Will topple over as well.

Objects will fly across the room.
So, be sure to stand clear.
If the magnitude is high,
Damage will be severe.

Gas lines, sewage lines,
And water mains may break.
Widespread, destructive fires
May happen after the quake.

We may be without power
And water for many days.
Helpless, we will have to stand by
And watch the fires blaze.

The Big One could happen now,
Tomorrow, or years down the line.
To scorn its inevitability
Would be asinine.

Without warning, the quake will occur.
It's hard not to be scared.
I'm NOT looking forward to that day.
Tell me: are you prepared?

-by Bob B (3-5-19)

Sunday, March 3, 2019

You're My Man

D.J.T. to world autocrats:

"If you can rule with an iron fist
And get your critics to cease and desist
By forceful means--get the gist?--
Then you're my man.

"If you have got the strength and power
To make the wondering masses cower,
And if you'll let me build my tower,
Then you're my man.

"If you know how to control elections
And put down those who raise objections
Because you've got the right connections,
Then you're my man.

"If you get people to misconstrue
Deceitful things you say or do
'Cause you've got people who'll lie for you,
Then you're my man.

"If you know how to ride roughshod
Over the rules to get the nod
For finance and insurance fraud,
Then you're my man.

"If you know how to blast and blame
To make divide and conquer your game,
And deception is your claim to fame,
Then you're my man.

"If you can win through populism,
Get away with nepotism,
And stoke the fires of nativism,
Then you're my man.

"If you know how to cleverly make
Your trusting fans give you a break,
Despite the fact that you're a fake,
Then you're my man.

"If you know how to work it right
And let yourself be full of fight
So you can gain more power and might,
Then you're my man."

-by Bob B (3-3-19)

Friday, March 1, 2019

Sing, Michael!

Sing, Michael! Sing your song.
Let your voice be loud and clear.
Yes, you might have done some wrong,
But now what have you got to fear?

Suborning perjury, tax evasion,
Bank fraud, insurance fraud…
And yet your previous boss continues
To hide behind his MAGA façade.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg,
For we can guess what else he's done.
We wait for more revealing details
On Individual Number One.

What ever possessed you to be
The fixer for a conman who
Lies to us--the American people?
Did you not know what would ensue?

Illegal campaign contributions
Don't upset his supporters at all.
Their main concern is that their man's
In office and that he'll build his wall.

You have seen how his Republican
Goon squad in Congress has his back,
And how the members will lie and cheat
To help the megalomaniac?

You must face the consequences
For what you've done, but pray tell,
Will he have to pay for all
The illegal things he's done as well?

So you've lied for the president.
Maybe the truth will set you free.
We are patiently waiting for
The results of Mueller's inquiry.

So sing, Michael! Sing your song.
Let your voice be loud and clear.
Yes, you might have done some wrong,
But now what have you got to fear?

-by Bob B (3-1-19)