Wednesday, July 26, 2017

D Minus for Effort

Kellyanne Conjob rushed to defend
Trump's penchant for telling lies.
The repercussions of his untruths
She smilingly tried to minimize.

Her brazenly obnoxious comments
Simply add fuel to the fire
And diminish her credibility
When she bolsters the words of a liar.

Excusing impropriety
Is clearly what she's doing, and yet her
Remarks make him sound foolish when
She says he doesn't know any better.

According to Kellyanne's logic here--
And give her a D minus for trying--
Trump is not telling untruths
If he doesn't believe he is lying.

(7-26-17) By Bob B

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tragedy in San Antonio (Tragedia en San Antonio)

A truck picked them up near the Mexican border
And drove across Texas in blistering heat.
A hundred or more were crammed together
With nothing to drink and nothing to eat.

The big rig rolled down the Texas highway
Heading for San Antonio, they say.
Smugglers would pick up their "cargo" there,
And SUVs would cart them away.

The temperature inside the tractor-
Trailer was over 100 degrees.
The door of the trailer was locked from the outside.
The driver ignored the passengers' pleas.

Farewell, dear friends--queridos amigos.
Were you a father, a brother, a son?
Whatever your motivations, you
All were victims in more ways than one.

When authorities found the vehicle
And opened the door and looked inside,
Eight of the passengers remaining
In the tractor-trailer had died.

Two more victims died in the hospital.
Others remained in a critical state.
Dehydration and heatstroke had been
Cruel agents of their sad fate.

Desperate to find better conditions,
They learned that success is not guaranteed.
Hopes can be dashed and life can be threatened
When you're a victim of smugglers' greed.

Farewell, dear friends--queridos amigos.
Were you a father, a brother, a son?
Whatever your motivations, you
All were victims in more ways than one.

(7-25-17) By Bob B

Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Warning

Trump has issued a warning
In his inimitable manner,
Which couldn't have been more obvious
If he had held up a banner.

He said that investigators
Should definitely not peer
Into his financial dealings.
The reason? That's not clear.

Why would such inquiries
Be unjustified?
Hmm. It makes us wonder
What he's trying to hide.

The man has a propensity--
And doesn't give a rap!--
For making himself look guilty
Whenever he opens his trap.

(7-20-17) By Bob B

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


How often greed dictates policy
And governs the base and loathsome actions
Of lawmakers making decisions
While fooling the public with clever distractions!

How greed greases the giant wheel
That turns--constantly in motion--
While powers that guide the mechanism
Boldly expect unhindered devotion!

How often greed in the guise of good
Fills the pockets to overflowing
Of crafty manipulators while
The poor struggle, never knowing!

How greed fills the callous hearts
Of those who fail to see the disparity
Between their growing accounts and their
Expenditures that they call "charity"!

How often greed displaces well-
Intentioned efforts to help humanity
In those whose lack of compassion is nurtured
By boundless egoistical vanity!

Watch them bow to the god of greed;
Watch them sing and dance on his altar,
Hoping that he will strengthen their
Resolve should they ever falter.

(7-19-17) By Bob B

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Man Who Cried Wolf

There was a leader who cried wolf
So often that he
Befuddled the people with whoppers running
The gamut from a to z.

The more he cried wolf, the more the leader's
Stories wouldn't stop.
He kept it up and everyone watched his
Approval ratings drop.

The group surrounding him joined in
And cried wolf as well.
In all of that country's history,
There was no parallel.

"Wolf! Wolf!" he'd cry, and his public
Ran to his defense
Again and again, totally
Defying common sense.

Eventually, more caught on;
Skepticism rose.
And fewer people let themselves
Be led around by the nose.

Whether or not the leader believed
His stories would empower him,
Wise folk knew that sooner or later
The truth would devour him.

(7-12-17) By Bob B

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Who Is Playing Whom?

World leaders met and Trump,
Who lives in various wonderlands,
Also had a meeting with Putin
And played right into the dictator's hands.

Trump admires Putin--a man
Who bullies targets to do his bidding.
If Trump's not aware that he's being played,
The neophyte has to be kidding.

A man who loves to undermine
Democracy and put down dissent,
Create chaos in the world
And pull the strings of our president,

Maintain control of a criminal state
Where greed, graft, and corruption hold sway,
And jail or kill opponents doesn't
Even deserve the time of day.

Yes, we know that power corrupts
And absolute power, absolutely.
Its hideous effect on a free people
Is something we're aware of acutely.

Does Trump just love the idea that Putin
Controls the country, controls the press,
Surrounds himself with loyalists,
And governs the people with fear and duress?

Not a pretty picture, of course.
Concerned Americans very much fear
That Putin-like threats to democracy
Are showing their ugly faces here.

(7-9-17) By Bob B

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Interior Monologue Number 2

"It's so much fun being president
Of a great country like this.
I love it when people sing my praises,
So everyone can share my bliss.

"I can do whatever I want.
The only ones who seem to obsess
About my activities are
What I call the dishonest press.

"My people don't give a damn
About my income tax returns.
My people have faith in me
And listen when I express my concerns.

"I can hire whoever I want.
And what's more I can require them
To pledge complete loyalty to me.
If they don't, I can fire them.

"You can gain so much support
If what you do when critics start pressing
Is cut off access to information.
Confuse 'em all and keep 'em guessing.

"When they bring up a Russia connection
And even suggest the word 'collusion,'
I distract them with tweet after tweet
To make a commotion and cause confusion.

"One of my favorite perks on the job
Is taking all of my paid vacations.
I also love having the power
To cut off any investigations.

"My business empire continues to grow.
Conflict of interest? Bah, that's bunk.
Don't believe it when the media
Say my approval ratings have shrunk.

"All of my success up to now
Adamantly underscores
One of my favorite sayings, and that's
'You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.'

"And when the people take you to court
For stiffing them or trying to screw 'em,
Use your billions of dollars to pay
Lawyers to help you countersue 'em.

I love to have my fans in Congress
Eating out of the palm of my hand.
We have to merely yell, 'Fake news!'
When something doesn't go as planned.

"Regarding international affairs,
They say I'm awkward and not well versed.
It isn't about the rest of the world;
It's all about America first!

"Any group that gives me money,
Gets my support all the way--
From dangerous climate change deniers
To all my friends at the NRA.

"When my critics complain about
Anything I say or do,
I love to go on TV and say,
'I'M the president; not you.'"

(7-5-17) By Bob B