Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Year in Review: 2017 in the USA

The year started out with a kick in the rump
With the inauguration of Donald Trump,
Which was overshadowed one day later
By the Women's March, which was many times greater.
Trump continued tweeting--his words and actions
Really amounting to nothing but major distractions.
He kept certain targets within his sights:
Immigration and LGBT rights.
Oh, and health care, too. Let's not forget
How many people and groups he has upset.
The year saw an increasing acceleration
Of the Mueller Russia/Trump investigation,
Which Donald Trump has constantly tried to defuse
By calling it a witch hunt and fake news.

Also as the new commander-in-chief he
Gave us a brand new word to use: covfefe.
Republicans who attacked their leader at first,
Later showed their feelings had reversed--
Especially those who will benefit greatly
From a horrible tax bill passed only lately.
(Some think that Putin has some dirt on them.
If that came out, wouldn't it be a gem?)
This year we saw the repeal of net neutrality
As we start to deal with a bleak reality.
Don't forget the Trump trip to the Far East,
Which ended up being a big flattery feast.
Many fear our safety is more unsound
As Trump and Kim Jong Un go round and round.

Trump boasts of how he's always hired
The best people; but notice how many he's fired,
Or how many have left his admin team!
A shoddy reputation is hard to redeem.
We've seen racism lift its ugly head,
And not denouncing it, Trump instead
Talked about fine people on each side!
He is constantly taking us for a ride.
Hurricanes in the South and in Puerto Rico
Brought great devastation to our eco-
System, and huge, destructive fires out West
Pointed to issues that must be addressed.
To show he's one of life's shining beacons,
Trump threw paper towels to the Puerto Ricans.

But Trump and fans continue to deny
The effects of climate change, and we know why.
Over 300 mass shootings this year*
Plagued our nation, but lobbyists persevere.
We saw the fall of many well-known men
For sexual misconduct, and once again
We ask why some men feel they're above the law
And wonder what will be their last hurrah.
This is only the tip of the iceberg, true--
Only some of the hell that we've gone through.
A lot is happening in the world, but we,
Instead of seeing the forest, see one tree.
Let's NOT repeat this year to the letter;
Let's hope that 2018 is much, much better.

-by Bob B (12-31-17)

*tracked by the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive

Friday, December 29, 2017

The Russia Probe

In an interview
That Trump recently had,
He said the Russia probe
Made the country look bad.

The guy just doesn't get it.
It's not the probe; it's he
Who sadly discredits the country
In actuality.

As usual, the man
Totally misses the point.
Tell me: what is he on?
Has he been smoking a joint?

-by Bob B (12-29-17)

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Scrooge Is Alive and Well

Was Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens'
Christmas Carol purely fictitious?
No, Scrooges live today,
Equally greedy, cold and ambitious.

They represent Scrooge before
He earned our admiration and saw
That human compassion came only after
His ice-cold heart had begun to thaw.

His transformation showed him his former
Cruel disregard for humanity
And let him see that miserliness
Was nothing but a heartless insanity.

Modern Scrooges fail to see
The light of compassion that brightly outshines them.
Their greed prevents them from seeing the moral
Bankruptcy that clearly defines them.

They couldn't care less about
The hard-working and struggling masses.
Their main concern is that each law
That benefits the wealthy passes.

Some of these Scrooges you will find
Working in Congress, eagerly serving
Wealthy donors who give them money
And feel as though they're more deserving.

Creating laws to make their pockets
Overflow: that's their aim.
To them the parasitical poor
Deserve bitter contempt and blame.

One wonders if these greedy misers
Find it hard to resist the temptation
Of saying, "Then why not let them die
And decrease the surplus population?"

“Aren't there workhouses?” and “Aren't there prisons?”
Are what these Scrooges appear to say.
“Concerns of the poor are not our business;
Why can’t they just go away?”

Ebenezer Scrooge was lucky:
His transformation showed him the light.
Will wealthy Scrooges running this country
Discover compassion and be less tight?

-by Bob B (12-28-17)

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Keep Up the Fight!

Hang in there, investigative
Reporters! Your work is cut out for you.
Help to be our eyes and ears,
And don't give up, whatever you do!

You have to work all the harder
When our democracy erodes.
When leaders silence your voices, imagine
The horrors that such a stifling forebodes.

Watch out for unscrupulous groups
Who try to discredit your needed work--
Who try to set you up for failure
And then sit by and smugly smirk.

Keep our corporations and our
Elected officials on their toes.
You say that no one's above the law.
There! You hit it on the nose!

Seek out corruption, abuse, and fraud.
Put our leaders' words to the test.
If there's suspicion, follow the money.
The one who laughs last, laughs best.

Authoritarian rulers dislike
A questioning, prying press. No wonder
They try to break you and call you fake,
Hoping you will knuckle under.

When people are manipulated
To criticize, attack, and doubt you,
Just remember, brave reporters:
Democracy CAN'T survive without you.

-by Bob B (12-23-17)

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Taking the People for a Ride

Dear illustrious Republicans in Congress,
You can run, but don't think you can hide,
As more Americans come to understand
How you've taken the people for a ride.

A tax reform bill you call it. Please!
Doesn't it more resemble a tax deformity?
Or better yet a vicious and outrageous
And monstrous act known as an enormity?

Something wasn't on the up-and-up.
Your great desire for secrecy underscores
The fact that you were hiding something big
When you wrote the bill behind closed doors.

Your suspicious need to rush it through
Made us wonder why you'd vote to embed it
In our system of laws when there were many
Members of Congress who hadn't even read it.

Hasn't the thought ever occurred to you
That one doesn't have to be a whiz
To see your great desire to pass a bill
Before people could see how bad it is?

You'll make your donors happy; that is true.
Their money hasn't lost its strong appeal.
Now you have to convince the people you've screwed
How they are all getting a wonderful deal.

What a bold redistribution of wealth
To rich Americans, who will benefit most!
You pulled off an outrageous scam,
And then you raised your glass and made a toast.

That millions lose their health care doesn't faze you.
The deficit? Oh, that's an easy fix.
You'll just target Americans' earned benefits.
(That's how Paul Ryan gets his kicks.)

Go ahead: throw us under the bus.
Expect, however, that people will verbally smite you.
Prepare for consequences of your actions:
Your callous decision will soon come back to bite you.

-by Bob B (12-20-17)

Monday, December 18, 2017

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The sheep at the ranch were all in a dither.
They had to decide on a leader, and two
Candidates who stood before them
Worked on persuading each ram and ewe

To vote for them to serve as leader.
Working together, succeed they would,
Said one. The other said that if any-
Body could save them, he alone could.

For some odd reason, the second sheep
Won to all the animals' surprise.
The wool was pulled right over their heads
As he continued to propagandize.

"Do not listen to what others say,"
The newly-elected leader declared.
"Evil wolves are out there to kill you."
He was able to keep the sheep scared.

Some atypical sheep were skeptics
And didn't believe the leader's baloney.
The more they heard the leader speak,
The more they thought the leader was phony.

"Something is terribly wrong," they said.
"The leader's garb seems off-kilter.
He cares NOT a jot about us;
What's more, he speaks without a filter."

Gradually, sheep disappeared.
Their whereabouts was a stumper.
Meanwhile, their leader became
Louder, bolder, meaner, and plumper.

The sheep then chose one of their own
To see if the leader had major flaws.
He noticed that under the leader's clothing,
The leader had not hooves but claws!

Many sheep refused to believe
Their ruler was phony and not on the level
And blindly followed the leader's commands,
Basically signing a pact with the devil.

Too late they learned the problem of choosing
A leader filled with distrust and loathing
Who didn’t have their best interests
At heart--in short, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Ah, poor sheep, if you had been
Careful not to have taken the bait,
You could have spared yourselves much trouble
Long before it became too late.

-by Bob B (12-18-17)

Thursday, December 14, 2017

December 14: 5th Anniversary

Five years now it's been since
A gunman stormed Sandy Hook
And killed twenty-six people there
In a cruel, heinous act that shook

The country--no, that shook the world--
And left everyone asking how
Such an event could occur.
But don't dare mention the sacred cow:

Guns in America and people who
Shouldn’t have them, and heaven forbid
That anyone bring up gun legislation.
We watch as gun lobbyists outbid

The rest of us, who sound the alarm,
Announcing a call to action, while
Legislators sit on their butts,
Afraid to act--refusing to rile

Donors, supporters, their base, and Second
Amendment fanatics, obdurate in
Their uncompromising approach to
An argument that's wearing thin.

Many people will never get over
Their indescribable loss and grief
From something that in America
Has become a recurring motif.

Twenty children and six adults
Were killed at the school. Don't forget.
And what's been done since then, despite
More shootings? Zilch, as of yet!

As we acknowledge the innocent victims
Of Sandy Hook, remember that prayers
Will not suffice as the only solution
For shootings for anybody who cares.

-by Bob B (12-14-17)

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Decency Won Out!

Despite voter suppression laws,
Alabamians voted for
A Democrat to serve in Congress.
Doug Jones beat Roy Moore!

A man who respects the rule of law
And built supporters' esprit de corps
Won a defining but narrow election.
Doug Jones beat Roy Moore!

The win hopefully sends a message
That actions are something we won't ignore--
That decency and respect matter.
Doug Jones beat Roy Moore!

When racist, xeno- and homophobic
Feelings ooze from every pore,
That person is unfit for office.
Doug Jones beat Roy Moore!

Sexual assaulters beware:
American voters are keeping score
As more victims speak out loudly.
Doug Jones beat Roy Moore!

May the movement for honesty,
Truth, respect, and integrity soar!
Keep alive the momentum of hope.
Doug Jones beat Roy Moore!

-by Bob B (12-13-17)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Power of a Lie

A lie has tremendous power
To trick, to dupe, to deceive,
Until people don't know
What they should believe.

Lies dealt profusely
Appear in varied capacities,
And artful dealers can make
Untruths sound like veracities.

Though they're sickeningly sweet,
Unctuous, and runny,
Lies can nonetheless give
The truth a run for its money.

A news agency
Can don a clever disguise,
And then as sly as a Fox,
Spread its vicious lies.

Mendacious information
Insults the people that hear it.
History has shown us
That there's a reason to fear it.

We see all the time
That lies have a snowball effect
And gather more momentum
When they go unchecked.

When leaders resort to lying,
Though their words are disproved,
The people will live in bondage
Until that leader's removed.

The truth can sometimes hurt.
Falsehoods, however, annoy,
Bear down on humanity,
Abuse, defile, and destroy.

-by Bob B (12-12-17)

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Move

Last December we saw that Santa
Had a FOR SALE sign on his "land."
Reporters went to find out whether
His property had been in demand.

"Well," said Santa, "I've had offers
From large fishing enterprises
Who want to move in and take advantage
As the ice melts and the sea rises."

The companies applied great pressure
To make Santa cave; instead he
Declined their offers, for overfishing
Had been a problem there already.

"Oil companies also want
My property in order to drill.
I told them, 'Over my dead body!'
Holy crap, if looks could kill!

"Once I thought that I could make
This work, but that was wishful thinking.
How could I survive up here
With animals dying and my land shrinking?

"Where there's tundra melting, methane
Gas is escaping into the air.
Rats from ships have entered the area;
You can find them everywhere.

"Sea currents and air currents
Both are bringing ugly pollution.
When are world leaders going to
Come up with a lasting solution?

"We are far away from large
Human populations, and yet
Our whole Arctic ecosystem
Is dangerously under threat."

Reporters noticed a weary look
Of sadness in Santa's face, which proved
That things were really affecting the man.
Where would he go if he moved?

"I thought that maybe in Switzerland
A nice, cold glacier would do.
But then again, maybe not,
For glaciers there are melting, too.

"Maybe Hawaii; maybe Tahiti.
That would be a change of scene.
I'll trade the slushy, melting ice
For somewhere colorful, warm, and green."

With that, Santa looked at his watch,
Said good-bye, and went back to work,
Trying hard to keep his thoughts
Away from places where phantoms lurk.

-by Bob B (12-9-17)

Friday, December 8, 2017

Following the D.T. Playbook

Some Republicans recently
Have managed to drop to a brand-new low.
People are seriously wondering
How much lower they can go.

Following the Donald Trump playbook
On how to degrade our institutions,
And listening to conspiracy theories,
They have come up with some shameful solutions.

A Fox News maniac,
Sean Hannity, stirs the pot.
If he can find a way to discredit
The FBI, he'll give it a shot.

Claiming that politics infects
Mueller's investigative team,
Hannity and friends are trying
To stop Mueller. What a scheme!

If Republicans create
Doubts in people, then by and by,
People won't trust any findings
Shared by the FBI.

Trump and some of his supporters,
By disrespecting the rule of law,
Put our freedoms in jeopardy
With their alt-right blah, blah, blah.

Rules, conscience, fairness, honesty,
And decency all go astray,
For these things don't matter to them
When obstacles are in their way.

Lamenting as institutions erode,
We watch an ever-growing kleptocracy
Spread its vile control, which threatens
The integrity of our democracy.

-by Bob B (12-8-17)

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Stepping Down

Representative John Conyers,
Because of multiple allegations
Of sexual harassment, decided this week
To step down from Congress. Revelations

Of further accusations against
Al Franken have come to light.
The Senator has thus decided
To step down also. If that's the right

Thing to do, then others out there
Who happen to fit in a similar frame--
People such as Donald Trump
And Roy Moore--should do the same.

-by Bob B (12-7-17)

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Deserving Ones

Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa
Says that only the wealthy deserve
Major cuts in taxes. Don't
His callous comments hit a nerve?

Hard-working Americans
Deserve no breaks, for they choose
To spend their money foolishly
On--get this!--women, movies, and booze.

But rich Americans, he maintains,
Are the ones always investing
And not spending every penny.
He's dead serious and NOT jesting.

People like him are running this country
With vile contempt and tunnel vision,
Their idiocy and audacity
Affecting our lives with each decision.

-by Bob B (12-5-17)

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Missionary*

The missionary wiped the sweat
That formed small beads on his sunburnt brow.
Never had he thought that learning
A language would be so hard till now.

But learning a language and studying a culture
So very different from his own,
Deep in the Amazonian jungle--
A damp and brutal climate zone--

Were challenges that he was eager
Because of his Christian faith to accept,
Even though he had to watch out
For poisonous creatures wherever he stepped.

His goal: to learn the language there
In order to translate the Holy Bible
So he could teach the truth as he knew it
To various peoples, godless and tribal.

His dual role as a servant of God
And graduate student studying linguistics
Opened his mind and heart to embrace
The people's diverse characteristics.

Constant threats were jaguars, insects,
And anacondas in the river,
Along with shifty river pilots
Transporting goods to trade or deliver.

After years of being there
And putting up with a bare subsistence,
He pondered why his ideas among
The people were met with such resistance.

Occurring to him suddenly
As an epiphany, he had to face
The fact that maybe he had been
Peddling his goods in the wrong place.

Why did he need to fix the people?
They were fine just as they were.
If he tried to change their beautiful
Way of life, what would occur?

They had faith in themselves and lived
Without worry, fear, or despair.
He was imposing his own concept
Of truth on them. How unfair!

Questioning his own ideas,
He clarified his own confusion
And saw that life without absolutes
Was one way to see through delusion.

How ironic! He'd gone to Brazil
With good intentions, though smug and prim,
To try to convert the people there;
They, however, converted him.

-by Bob B (12-3-17)

*Inspired by the experiences of Daniel L. Everett

Friday, December 1, 2017

Guys, Keep It in Your Pants!

Come on, guys. Use your noggins.
Don't think you could never be at fault
For inappropriate sexual behavior,
Such as committing sexual assault.

Don't let your status go to your head.
Not everyone is on the same quest with you.
Don't let your power make you think
That everybody else is obsessed with you.

For one thing, keep your clothes on until
You are 100 percent aware
That the other person you are with
Is interested in seeing you bare.

And never at the workplace, of course,
Or in the office or at work functions.
And never if either one is married!
How could you do it and not have compunctions?

Do not let delusions of grandeur
Make others have to look askance.
What it boils down to is this:
Keep your peter inside your pants!

Now if you are absolutely sure
That someone else wants to see it--
At the appropriate place, of course--
Only then can you unzip and free it.

Don't give coworkers creepy sex toys.
That sounds super gross and perverse.
But then telling them how to use them?
No, no, that's even worse!

Suggestive language, forced kisses,
Grabbing them by the private parts…
That's where respectful behavior stops
And inappropriate behavior starts.

Do not make unwanted advances
And fire someone who doesn't respond.
Don't think you're an accomplished magician
Who makes things happen by waving his wand.

Stop this sexual assault and harassment;
Develop respect for others and stay with it.
Lascivious conduct is tasteless and wrong.
(Only the president can get away with it.)

-by Bob B (12-1-17)

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Another Dilemma for Santa

Christmas 2017
Approaches and Santa is checking his list
To make sure that he is on target
And also to see if errors exist.

"Darn!" the jolly man exclaims,
And quickly does a double take.
"It looks as though Republicans
In Congress want a big tax break.

"That is good for some; however,
Others will have to lose out for sure.
The biggest benefits go to the wealthy,
While help for the poor is miniature.

"I mean, the poor and middle class.
Most people should understand it's
Hard for me to justify
Helping a few to make out like bandits.

"Tax cuts for the corporations
Will be permanent, but what's scary
Is tax cuts for most Americans
Will only be temporary.

"They always scream, 'Deficit! Deficit!'
At least that's what they advertise.
By 1.4 trillion dollars
The deficit is going to rise

"With this bill! To make up the difference,
Later they'll cause more despair
By making major cuts to Social
Security and Medicare.

"While some will win, millions will lose
Health care if their tax bill passes.
Regarding trickle down, what trickles
Is negligible and as slow as molasses.

"From all that I have seen and heard,
Tax cuts don't create prosperity.
Don't the members of Congress know
Their bill is lacking in popularity?

"I want their holiday to be happy,
But how can I please everyone?
Darn! Sometimes being Santa
Is really NOT very much fun!"

By Bob B (11-30-17)

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Christmastime in Trumplandia--2017

It's Christmastime in Trumplandia.
The halls are decked with boughs of folly,
Ol' Frosty the Snowman is melting,
And sleigh bells are sounding melancholy.

The president has an abundance of hassles:
Ongoing investigations,
Failed attempts at accomplishments,
Embarrassments, and accusations.

He believes his supporting staff
Will help him work out all the kinks
And claims he's the favorite president!
Something is rotten in DC, methinks.

Wondering why he can't wield
More power, he disdains
Anyone who makes an attempt
To open his eyes or pull on his reins.

He'll pick a fight with anyone
Who doesn't give him flattery or praise.
Many devoted staff and supporters
Apparently share the leader's malaise.

Not trusting true experts,
He looks elsewhere for his muse:
At Alex Jones, Hannity,
Or the vicious harpy who haunts Fox News.

He says he hires the best people--
Not!--and knows what's best for the nation.
He's backing a candidate for the Senate
Who's been accused of child molestation.

His organization is raking in dough,
While Trump insists he's breaking no laws.
Why not follow the foreign money?
And what about the emoluments clause?

His favorite world leaders are
Autocrats who aren't so pleasant.
Their mutual butt-kissing will have to
Be their mutual Christmas present.

Santa Trump and his elves in Congress
Are working together in order to dole
Tax breaks out to the wealthiest, while
The rest of us will end up with coal.

Chestnuts won't be roasting on
An open fire this year. No way!
Our winter wonderland's become
A messy winter holiday.

(11-28-17) By Bob B

Saturday, November 25, 2017


Prancing along a jungle path,
A monkey found a curious box.
Not to investigate the contraption
Would be for him unorthodox.

A number of small holes had been drilled
Into the side of the box, so he
Could see inside to satisfy
His boundless curiosity.

The box contained tempting nut.
If he could only reach inside
And pull it out! How marvelous!
If not, he'd be dissatisfied.

He put his tiny, searching hand
Through a small hole, grabbed the nut,
And tried to pull it through the hole.
The nut was way too big. "What?"

The monkey exclaimed. "It won't fit!"
What was the poor guy to do?
He sat with his hand in the hole for hours,
Frantically trying to pull the nut through.

Soon a trapper came strolling by
And found the monkey next to the trap.
He tossed the monkey--along with some others--
Into a bag and tightened a strap.

Off he went with his catch for the day,
Happy that he had taken great pains
To make good traps so he could supply
The restaurateur with monkey brains.

How much like the monkey are we!
We grasp onto possessions, views,
Our pride, our ego, our sense of self…
And though we suffer, we refuse

To let things go--to gently release
That which ultimately constrains us,
Closes our minds, hardens our hearts,
Blinds our eyes, or firmly enchains us.

(11-25-17) By Bob B

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Thanksgiving Elephant in the Room

Thanksgiving Day was fast approaching,
And family members and friends were cheerful.
At the same time, however, people
Were starting to feel a little bit fearful.

The holiday attendees were split
As to their feelings regarding the POTUS.
If he appeared on the TV screen,
They'd have to pretend to take no notice.

The day arrived and all were together,
Watching football and having fun
Talking about a myriad of topics--
Everything BUT that certain ONE.

The turkey was carved; the dinner was ready.
Every Thanksgiving's a major feat.
Grannie sat at the head of the mile-long
Table and yelled, "Come and eat!"

Food was passed this way and that way;
Mounds appeared on everyone's plate.
They all wanted to savor the food
But found that each new bite couldn't wait.

Suddenly, Grannie blurted out,
"STOP eating! Before you resume,
I'd like to talk about something important,
And that's the elephant in the room."

Aunt Margaret practically choked
While Uncle Bill patted her back.
Cousin Katie gulped and fanned
Herself, feeling the room go black.

The uncomfortable silence lingered.
Uncle Ernie kicked his wife
Under the table. The tension was so
Thick it could be cut with a knife.

"Why is everyone so uptight?”
Asked Grannie. "I'm sure you all agree
That it was time for a change, and so…
That's why I bought an SUV!"

Everyone felt a wave of relief
Pass through his or her body, and then
The sounds of delight filled the room
As everyone started eating again,

Saying such things as "Cool, Grannie!"
"Of course, Mother!" "I know I
Think you deserve whatever you want.
Now let's have some pumpkin pie!"

Thanksgiving Day went just as it should;
Nobody fought; no one was maimed.
We have a wonderful time when we don't
Talk about him who should not be named.

(11-22-17) Bob B