Monday, March 3, 2025

A Letter to President Zelenskyy

Dear President Zelenskyy,

Why the hell did the fates

Make Trump the president

Of these United States?


I guess that last November millions

Of people didn't vote,

So NOW for four more years we are

Stuck with that old goat.


Your Oval Office meeting didn't

Turn out well last week.

It's hard to get your point across

When Trump won't let you speak.


Certainly, you know that he's

Vindictive, rude, and crass.

He expected you, of course,

To kiss his giant ass.


His rudeness, incoherence, scorn,

And total disrespect,

Show that he's a man-child whose

Behavior goes unchecked.


He has NO compassion for

The people of Ukraine

And chooses--along with Putin--to treat

Your country with disdain.


We know that Russia attacked you, but

Trump is world-renowned

For telling lies and says it was

The other way around.


His idea of helping other

Nations--they will learn--

Is giving support if he receives

Something in return.


Protecting world democracies

Is not his thing, and that’s

Because he is enamored of

The world's autocrats.


Trump turns many folks against you;

Be that as it may,

Those who love democracy

Are with you all the way.


You're a hero to many of us

For how you've led your nation

Through Putin's war. Viva Ukraine!

You have our admiration.


Putin's forces must leave your country.

That should be the plan.

Free-world nations will do their best

To help you if they can.


People say that when we're creeps,

Karma's not our friend.

Hopefully, Trump and Vance

Will learn that in the end.



Americans in favor of saving democracy

-by Bob B (3-3-25)

Saturday, March 1, 2025

A Dangerous Man

With Trump back in the White House, life

Gets more dangerous every day.

The safeguards that had been in place

Now are quickly slipping away.


Without U.S.A.I.D.,

Diseases in other countries will spread.

While Trump hits his golf balls around,

We will all be counting the dead.


Viruses that were under control--

Such as measles--will be on the rise

As Trump's dubious medical "experts"

Stifle the truth and spread their lies.


The firing of CIA employees

And FBI employees as well

Endangers us as the agencies try

To function with limited personnel.


In the past, a security clearance

Involved a background check. No longer.

They're passed out as though they're candy.

Compliments of the powermonger.


Giving in to adversaries:

Another unprecedented matter.

Trump is handing over to Putin

Ukraine's head on a silver platter.


By weakening NATO, Trump is giving

Putin the chance to expand his "realm."

How can world peace survive

With such egomaniacs at the helm?


As the Republicans make cuts

To Medicaid, people will suffer.

If anyone is struggling now,

Just wait: things will get much tougher.


Cutbacks in programs for veterans

Endanger the lives of more of our vets.

But Trump and Musk don't give a damn.

They act without thinking and have no regrets.


As regulatory agencies

And authorities are no more,

Trump and his team of cut-throats are putting

More lives at risk than ever before!


Trump and attack dog Vance both show

The world how they are immature.

They think they're tough, but they are really

Cowardly, weak, and insecure.


How sad to have a president

Who is so willing to sell us out!

Is he going to destroy this country?

I have not a shred of doubt.

-by Bob B (3-1-25)

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The New Pandemic

A virus is now infecting the nation.

It means that only the strong will survive.

This insidious virus is called

Project 2025.


Its carriers go by the names of Trump,

Musk, Vought, Bondi and all

Oblivious Americans

Who can’t see the writing that’s on the wall.


Trump lied through his rotten teeth

During his election campaign.

He said he knew NOTHING about the plan.

Lying, of course, is his domain.


Once in office, he began

To show an eagerness to embrace

The Project through his appointed team

Who now are putting the plan into place.


The virus is quickly spreading through Congress

As Trump's sycophants watch and swoon,

Afraid NOT to become infected

And showing that they were not immune.


The virus has horrible repercussions;

The consequences will be immense.

Most of what the infected are doing

Is damaging, hurtful, and makes no sense.


Christian nationalists are involved

Pushing their sick agenda as well.

Beware of their putrid policies.

Surely, you have noticed the smell.


Wisdom, knowledge, truth, and compassion

Are the primary antidotes.

Ah, one more: that everybody

In future elections gets out and votes!

-by Bob B (2-27-25)

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

What Will History Say?

History will tell the story

Of how the U.S. abandoned Ukraine--

Of how an American dictator rose

To power and left it out in the rain--


Of how he sidled up to the leader

Of Russia, and how his admin team

Carried out their Führer's plans

By fully supporting the tyrant's regime--


Of how the American dictator lied

And called Ukraine the true aggressor,

In total opposition to his

Wise and compassionate predecessor--


Of how the European nations

Continued to give Ukraine support

While the American bully's team

Continued to look for truths to distort--


Of how the American tyrant discounted

The pain that the Russians had inflicted

Upon the Ukrainian people, who

Held out longer than folks had predicted--


Of how the bully would help Ukraine

ONLY if there was quid pro quo,

For as a transactional tyrant, he didn't

Like it at all if someone said no--


Of how the dictator's sycophants

Maintained that democracy had failed,

Scoffed at the rule of law, and cheered

When liberties were being curtailed.


What will history say of the people

Who flatly refused the tyrant's demands--

Resisters on American shores

And caring leaders from other lands?


Maybe if all goes well, the cruel

And vicious tyrant will choke on his glory,

And leaders of democracy

Can change the outcome of history's story.

-by Bob B (2-25-25)

Monday, February 24, 2025

Where the Rainbow Came From

Utnapashtim, ancient in age,

Was paid a visit--which seemed quite odd--

From Ea, who thousands of years ago

Was a Sumerian water god.


The gods were angry with people on Earth.

As it turned out, the gripe that they had

Was simply because the humans were noisy

And NOT because they were evil or bad.


A god called Enlil suggested a flood.

It would be done, at his behest.

Once all that was over, he said,

The gods could get a good night's rest.


Ea told Utnapashtim to build

A giant boat. One of its features:

To be gigantic enough to hold

"The seed of ALL living creatures."


Utnapashtim finished his boat

Just before the rains began.

For six whole days and six whole nights

It rained nonstop, according to plan.


The only ones who survived the flood

Were those on Utnapashtim's boat.

Needless to say, they were all

Lucky that it had kept afloat.


The seventh day brought clear, calm weather.

A dove was released, but it soon returned.

Utnapashtim released a swallow.

When IT came back, too, he grew concerned.


"Hmmm," he thought. "Let's try a raven."

He sent forth a raven, and what do you know?

The raven did NOT return, for it

Had come across land. Way to go!


The huge boat came to rest upon

A mountaintop as waters receded.

All were relieved that the water god's

Urgent warnings had been heeded.


A god called Ishtar made the first

Rainbow appear across the sky

To serve as a promise of no more floods

And be a glory to meet the eye.


If you think that the story sounds

Familiar, well, you aren't alone.

The Israelites borrowed the story,

Changed it a bit, and made it their own.

-by Bob B (2-23-25)

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Speak Up!

Trump and his First Lady Musk

Are rapidly destroying this nation

While Republicans suffer from

A case of political constipation.


They sit in Congress and watch as Trump

Guts our agencies--one by one.

How much more irreparable

And careless damage is going to be done?


People's lives matter! Really!

But Trump and Elon Musk don't care.

You only matter to them if you

Happen to be a billionaire.


Our allies are being disregarded

And adversaries are being praised.

And still Republicans sit on their butts,

Useless, feckless, fickle, unfazed.


And Trump and Musk are spewing lies.

One would have to be a fool

Not to see how both of them

Favor autocratic rule.


Look at the deals they are making.

It's obvious what they are doing.

They just care about lining their pockets

And couldn't care less whom they are screwing.


Spineless, gutless members of Congress,

Do your job. Let them know

That you stand for democracy.

Tell the tyrants where to go!

-by Bob B (2-20-25)